Permit Revisions & Rescissions
Date | Title | EPA Office | Author | Issues Addressed |
03/11/1980 | Phased Permits for PSD | OAQPS | Weigold, James | Answers questions related to phased permits for PSD including (1) how to apply the 18-month criteria for starting construction of phases and (2) what policy applies for reviewing a request for a permit revision of start dates. |
07/15/1988 | Procedures for EPA to Address Deficient New Source Permits Under the Clean Air Act | OECA | Alushin, Michael | Guidance for use in addressing deficient new source permits. |
06/03/1987 | Deficient Permit Notification Notice For Lake County Waste to Energy Facility | Region 4 | Ravan, Jack | Deficient permit notification for Lake County Waste to Energy facility regarding its installation of acid gas controls and emissions limitations for particulate matter and SO2. |
07/21/1978 | PSD Permit for the Marblehead Lime Company | SSCD | Reich, Edward | Whether EPA should allow Marblehead Lime Company to amend its PSD permit of January 3, 1978, for its proposed new kiln, to reflect an increase from 1200 tons/day to 1600 tons/day, to be offset by closure of old kilns. |
10/21/1986 | Applicability of PSD to Portions of a Plant Constructed in Phases Without Permits | CPDD | Tyler, Darryl | Regards the applicability of PSD review to a minor source that becomes major through a series of modifications. |
07/05/1985 | Revised Draft Policy on Permit Modifications and Extensions | CPDD | Tyler, Darryl | Draft policy for handling changes to sources which have PSD permits and extensions of these permits. |
03/11/1991 | NSR Program Transitional Guidance | OAQPS | Seitz, John | Sets forth EPA’s position on transitional issues involving the NSR program after passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 but before the proposal of a regulatory package that would implement these and other changes to the NSR provisions. |
06/18/1980 | PSD Applicability: Coal Blending | SSCD | Reich, Edward | Addresses whether the following situation could be considered a SIP relation and whether a SIP revision is necessary in order to increase the allowable SO2 emissions: two power plants which were issued state construction permits prior to the time of PSD applicability which limited SO2 emissions now wish to increase their SO2 emissions by burning a higher sulfur coal in combination with their present fuel. This memorandum also answers a question related to whether an amended permit would be subject to the old or existing PSD regulations when a facility which has received a PSD permit in 1978 now wishes to increase their emission limitation as prescribed by the NSPS. |
05/05/1982 | A.I. DuPont Institute PSD Permit | SSCD | Reich, Edward | Answers several questions relating to a PSD permit issued to A.I. DuPont Institute including whether the source may apply for a permit rescission if the permit is amended to include federally enforceable limitations and also, if such a rescission is granted, whether the facility must reconsider the baseline date. |
11/19/1987 | Request for Determination on BACT Issues -- Ogden Martin Tulsa Municipal Waste Incinerator Facility | OAQPS | McCutchen, Gary | Pertains to a source not being able to meet its permitted BACT emissions limit and under what circumstances a BACT can be revised through a PSD permit modification. |
Related Topics: Relaxation of Emissions Limits | Permit Extensions
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The “Relevant Guidance” index includes a collection of documents issued by EPA organized by topic area. These documents include memoranda, letters, orders, and other types of EPA actions that may provide guidance in one or more forms, such as an adjudication, statement of policy, interpretation of statutes or regulations, or technical information. Each collection is intended to be representative of EPA statements on the topic, but it may not be a complete listing of such statements. The collection does not reflect topic-specific statements that have been expressed by EPA though published rule preambles and Title V petition orders, nor does it include EAB decisions. Each document in the collection speaks for itself, and the inclusion or exclusion of a document in the collection is not intended by EPA to communicate anything more than what is expressed within each document. EPA makes no independent representations on this website as to the extent to which any document in the collection reflects EPA’s current views on the topic, is a final action by EPA, or has any legal effect or precedential weight. Readers are advised to review the documents in the collection and conduct their own assessment of such considerations based on the content of each document and other documents in the collection. Some of the information or views included in the documents may be affected by subsequent changes to the referenced statutory or regulatory language or by court decisions. In addition, many of the statements in these documents are based upon the federal regulations which may differ from rules that govern federally-approved programs. Permitting authorities are advised to consult with their EPA Regional Offices if there is a question as to the relevance of a particular statement to their NSR program.