Information related to notices for intent to sue received by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
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11/24/2015 SDWA, Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF)(7 pp, 81 K)
SDWA mandatory duty to propose and finalize MCLG and NPDWR for perchlorate.
04/28/2015 CAA, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability Inc., NYH20, and Citizens for Water (PDF)(16 pp, 334 K)
Failure to Determine Whether Standards of Performance Are Appropriate for Methane Emissions from Existing Source in the Oil and Gas Sector, and to Establish Such Standards and Related Guidelines for Existing Sources
11/13/2015 CAA, Air Alliance Houston, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, Community In -power and Development Association, Inc. and Louisiana Bucket Brigade (PDF)(5 pp, 605 K)
For failure to Review and Revise Emission Factors for oil and gas flares
08/31/2015 CAA, Partnership for Policy lntegrity (PDF)(2 pp, 410 K)
Failure of EPA Administrator to Take Timely Final Action Regarding Petition to Object to Permit for the Piedmont Green Power. LLC Facility in the City of Barnesville, Lamar County. Georgia
10/05/2015 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 477 K)
For failure to take final action on 2008 ozone NAAQS infrastructure state implementation plan submittals with regard to Wyoming.
12/22/2015 CWA, John Penn Whitescarver (PDF)(34 pp, 1 MB)
Alleged failure to perform a mandatory duty by approving alleged defective NPDES permit issued by Virginia for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewers.
12/21/2015 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, Association of lrritacect Residents and Climate Change Law Foundation (PDF)(5 pp, 683 K)
Failure to grant or deny the petition requesting that EPA object to the Permit proposed by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the Alon USA - Bakersfield, California Refinery Crude Oil Flexibility Project, Facility.
12/24/2015 CAA, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Clean Wisconsin and Midwest Environmental Defense Center (PDF)(5 pp, 2 MB)
Failure to promulgate standards for several categories of major sources of hazardous air pollutants.
12/04/2015 CAA, Sierra Club and Environmental Integrity Project (PDF)(7 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to grant or deny a petition regarding the Title V Operating Permit for the Tennessee Valley Authority's Bull Run Fossil Plant located in Clinton, Tennessee.
10/13/2015 CWA, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (PDF)(2 pp, 376 K)
Notice alleging EPA failure to approve or disapprove Utah's CWA 303(d) list of impaired waters.
12/21/2015 CWA, Sanitary Board of the City of Charleston, West Virginia (PDF)(5 pp, 205 K)
Alleging mandatory duty for EPA to approve or disapprove state-submitted WQS.
12/21/2015 CWA, Waterkeepers Washington (PDF)(8 pp, 4 MB)
NOI to sue EPA for failure to perform mandatory duty to promulgate human health water quality criteria for State of Washington within 90 days of proposal.
12/10/2015 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(5 pp, 825 K)
Failure to submit non-attainment area SIP submittals for the NAAQS for S02 for 14 states.
3/24/2015 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 1 MB)
For failure to promulgate a FIP within two years of our partial disapproval on Louisiana's Regional Haze SIP.
3/20/2015 CAA, Sierra Club and Physicians for Social Responsibility- Los Angeles (PDF)(2 pp, 56 K)
For its failure to perform non-discretionary duties related to the implementation of the 2006 NAAQS for PM2.5 in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, CA nonattainment area.
3/20/2015 CAA, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (PDF)(4 pp, 645 K)
For failure to grant or deny petitions to object to the proposed Title V permits for WPSC's De Pere Energy, LLC plant and for WPSC's Weston plant, Permit.
3/18/2015 CAA, Plant Oil Powered Diesel Fuel Systems, Inc (PDF)(17 pp, 693 K)
For failure to regulate nitrous oxides emissions from biofuels, additives comprised of biofuels, and the biofuel-derived blend stocks of petroleum-based fuels run in compression ignition (diesel) engines of all kinds.
3/10/2015 CAA, Environmental Integrity Project and Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 359 K)
For failure to respond to petition to object to the Title V permit issued to Southwestern Electric Power Company for operation of the H.W. Pirkey Power Plant in Harrison County, Texas.
2/20/2015 CAA, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (PDF)(3 pp, 44 K)
Failure to Act on Petition for Reconsideration of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Coal-Fired and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units and Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Electric Utility, Industrial-Commercial-Institutional, and Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units, 77 Fed. Reg. 9304 (Feb. 16, 2012) ("MATS Rule").
2/11/2015 CWA, Northwest Environmental Advocates (PDF)(5 pp, 207 K)
Mandatory Duties Under Section 303(c)(4) of the Clean Water Act, to Revise Oregon's Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants.
2/10/2015 CWA, Conservation Law Foundation (PDF)(13 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to perform non-discretion duty to require NPDES permits for certain stormwater discharges to certain waters in RI.
2/10/2015 CWA, Conservation Law Foundation, Charles River Watershed Association (PDF)(9 pp, 248 K)
Failure to perform nondiscretionary duty to notify stormwater dischargers of permit requirement and to respond to residual designation petition within 90 days.
2/05/2015 CAA, Wildearth Guardians (PDF)(4 pp, 323 K)
For EPA's failure to promulgate to FIP within two years of disapproving the State of Utah's Regional Haze SIP.
2/04/2015 CAA, California Communities Against Toxics, Californians Against Waste Foundation, Coalition For A Safe Environment, Del Amo Action Committee, Desert Citizens Against Pollution, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Louisiana Environmental Action Network, N (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
Regarding overdue health risk and technology review (RTR) rules.
1/29/2015 CAA, HEAL Utah, National Parks Conservation Association, and Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 212 K)
For EPA's failure to promulgate Regional Haze FIP for Utah.
1/26/2015 CAA, WildEarth Guardians (PDF)(4 pp, 617 K)
For EPA's failure to promulgate to FIP within two years of disapproving the State of Utah's Regional Haze SIP.
1/16/2015 SDWA, Sandra Reevis, Blackfeet Tribe (PDF)(4 pp, 2 MB)
Notice of intent to sue EPA R8 over Town of Browning water supply on Blackfeet Reservation.
1/15/2015 CAA, WildEarth Guardians (PDF)(3 pp, 322 K)
For failure to take action on a number of title V permit applications pending in Region 8.
06/17/2015 CWA, State of Maine (PDF)(9 pp, 1 MB)
60-day NOI from State of Maine to sue EPA over failure to approve WQS in Indian country within the State where EPA had previously approved such WQS in State waters.
06/01/2015 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(5 pp, 34 K)
for failure to take action on 2008 Ozone iSIPs and related FIP commitments
05/28/2015 CAA, State of Nevada Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (PDF)(2 pp, 223 K)
Failure to Act on Nevada’s 2008 Ozone NAAQS State Implementation Plan Submission as Required by 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7410(k)(2)
05/28/2015 CAA, State of Louisiana and Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (PDF)(5 pp, 1 MB)
For Failure to Designate Areas of Attainment or Non-Attainment for the Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS (Mike Thrift)
06/11/2015 CAA, Preserve Pepe'keo Health and Environment (PDF)(2 pp, 371 K)
Failure to take timely action regarding petition to object to the Hu Honua Bioenergy, LLC ("Hu Honua") Title V operating permit.
07/08/2015 CAA, State of North Carolina (PDF)(2 pp, 650 K)
Failure to Approve or Disapprove North Carolina's PM 2.5 State Implementation Submittal, dated September 5, 2013, pursuant to Clean Air Act Section 110(k)
07/13/2015 CAA, Yvonne D. Lewis and Sidney T. Lewis (PDF)(3 pp, 655 K)
Pro se NOI regarding failure to do alleged mandatory duties related to lead HAP emissions from leaded avgas and Ohio nonattainment areas.
08/03/2017 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity, the Center for Environmental Health, and the Clean Air Council (PDF)(6 pp, 43 K)
For EPA’s failure to make a failure of finding to submit for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS nonattainment areas for SIPs
8/17/2015 CAA, Sierra Club and Louisiana Environmental Action Network (PDF)(2 pp, 353 K)
For failure to grant or deny a petition requesting that the Administrator object to the Title V permit issued to Yuhuang Chemical Inc. for the construction and operation of a new methanol manufacturing plant in St. James, Louisiana.
8/17/2015 CAA, Midwest Environmental Defense Center (PDF)(2 pp, 196 K)
For failure to grant or deny a petition regarding the Title V Operating Permit issued by the Wisconsin Department or Natural Resources to Appleton Coated. LLC. for a plant in Wisconsin
8/13/2015 CAA, Value Recovery Inc. (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB)
For failure to name a stationary major source category that includes the hazardous air pollutant, Methyl Bromide.
09/21/2015 CAA, Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC and Consolidated Environmental Management, Inc., a fully-owned subsidiary of Nucor Corporation (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
Failure to take action after objection to Nucor's Title V permit
10/08/2015 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity; Center for Environmental Health; Neighbors for Clean Air (PDF)(2 pp, 30 K)
Notice of intent to sue for failure to promulgate a Federal Implementation Plan for Montana
11/04/2015 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 25 K)
Failure to take final action on 2008 ozone NAAQS infrastructure state implementation plan submittals for New Jersey
08/31/2015 CWA, ESA, Wild Fish Conservancy (PDF)(32 pp, 7 MB)
Notice of Intent to Sue U.S. EPA and National Marine Fisheries Service for Violations of the Endangered Species Act Associated with Consultation on Washington State's Revised Sediment Management Standards for Marine Finfish Facilities.
11/06/2015 CWA, Missouri Colation for the Environment Foundation (PDF)(4 pp, 110 K)
Notice of Intent to Sue filed by Missouri Coalition for the Environment Foundation alleging nondiscretionary duty to promulgate WQS for Missouri.
11/20/2015 CAA, New Era Group, Inc (PDF)(5 pp, 853 K)
For failure to enforce the Greenhouse Gas Reporting rules for suppliers of HFCs.
11/02/2015 NRDC, Defenders of Wildlife, The Bay Institute (PDF)(14 pp, 7 MB)
Alleged failure to carry out non-discretionary federal review of California water quality standards in violation of Clean Water Act section 303(c)
11/02/2015 CWA NRDC (PDF)(14 pp, 2 MB)
Notice of intent to sue for failure to carry out non-discretionary federal review of California water quality standards
09/30/2015 CAA Sierra Club (5) (PDF)(3 pp, 477 K)
Clean Air Act Notice of intent to sue pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 7604(b)(2) for failure to take final action on 2008 ozone NAAQS infrastructure state implementation plan submittals
09/30/2015 CAA Sierra Club (4) (PDF)(3 pp, 25 K)
Clean Air Act Notice of intent to sue pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 7604(b)(2) for failure to take final action on 2008 ozone NAAQS infrastructure state implementation plan submittals
09/30/2015 CAA Sierra Club (3) (PDF)(5 pp, 34 K)
Clean Air Act Notice of intent to sue pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 7604(b)(2) for failure to take final action on 2008 ozone NAAQS infrastructure state implementation plan submittals and failure to promulgate Federal Implementation Plans
09/30/2015 CAA Sierra Club (2) (PDF)(2 pp, 492 K)
Notice of intent to sue for failure to perform non-discretionary duty to promulgate Federal Implementation Plan for Kentucky's Good Neighbor provision requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQS
09/30/2015 CAA Sierra Club (1) (PDF)(3 pp, 27 K)
Notice of intent to sue pursuant to CAA 42 U.S.C. § 7604(b)(2) for failure to promulgate Federal Implementation Plan for Kentucky Good Neighbor provision