Label Review Training: Module 1: Label Basics, Page 9
Section 2: Who are the stakeholders?
Key Points
- Registrants register pesticide products in compliance with FIFRA.
- EPA and the states regulate pesticides by registering or licensing pesticides for sale and use in the United States.
- Users apply pesticide products in a manner consistent with state and federal laws and regulations.
- OECA, the EPA Regions, states, and tribes conduct pesticide compliance and enforcement programs to ensure that pesticides sold, distributed, and used in this country comply with FIFRA.
- Extension services provide educational programs to certify and train restricted-use pesticide users.
- Each stakeholder group has its own unique set of needs.
Progress Check
- 1. What does EPA examine during the registration process?
The ingredients of a pesticide; the site or crop on which it is to be used; the amount, frequency, and timing of its use; health and environmental effects data; and storage and disposal practices.
- 2. From where does EPA receive its authority to regulate pesticides?
- 3. Do pesticide users have to follow state laws, federal laws, or both?
- 4. Name one of the things pesticide enforcers ensure.
Any of the following are correct:
That pesticides are registered with EPA prior to sale and distribution.
That pesticides are labeled properly.
That pesticides are being used in accordance with the label. - 5. What is a restricted-use pesticide?
A pesticide that must be applied by or under the direct supervision of trained and certified users.
- 6. Why is it important for pesticide labels to have legally enforceable language?
So that violators may be successfully prosecuted.
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