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Pesticide Registration

Electronic Submission of Labels

Pesticide registrants can provide draft and final labels to EPA electronically for our review as part of the pesticide registration process. The electronic submission of labels by registrants is voluntary but strongly encouraged.

The use of electronic labels will help to increase EPA review efficiency and improve the quality of labeling. Electronic labels in text .pdf format will allow EPA to:

  • compare new versus old versions of labels thus quickly identifying changes and
  • easily mark up labels with any required label revisions.

For an initial application (new product or amendment of an existing product), registrants should submit

  1. all the required paperwork,
  2. a text .PDF label on a CD-ROM, and
  3. a signed certification with respect to label integrity (see below).

The electronic label must be a text .pdf (not image) and must be named using the filename syntax in the guidance below.

For a resubmission of a revised label in response to EPA comments:

  • The text .PDF may be emailed directly to the EPA staffer or Product Manager as directed in the label review, or
  • The resubmission may be prepared as a paper label plus a text .pdf e-Label on a CD-ROM plus the certification form and sent via courier to EPA.
  • Do not send revised labels by both email and paper mail.

The documents below provide more detailed guidance regarding submission of electronic labels.