The following Federal Register Notices describe the evolution of the regulatory approaches used by the Office of Pesticide Programs for Inert (other) Ingredients. The documents accurately state the policies in place at the time that the Federal Register Notice was signed.
- PR Notice 97-6: "Use of Term "Inert" in the Label Ingredients Statement" -- In September 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued Pesticide Regulation Notice 97-6 which encourages manufacturers, formulators, producers, and registrants of pesticide products to voluntarily substitute the term "other ingredients" as a heading for the "inert" ingredients in the ingredient statement on the label of the pesticide product.
- 59 FR 49400: "Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products; List of Minimal Risk Inerts" (09/28/94)
- 60 FR 35396: "Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products; Reclassification of Certain List 3 Inert Ingredients to List 4B" (07/07/95)
- 52 FR 13305 - Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products Policy Statement (PDF)(17 pp, 133 K, April 22, 1987)
- 54 FR 48314 - Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products; Policy Statement; Revision and Modification List (PDF)(9 pp, 90 K, November 22, 1989)
- 55 FR 33762: "Disclosure of Names of Inert Ingredients in Currently Registered Pesticide Products" (08/17/90) (PDF)(3 pp, 269 K)