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Pesticide Registration

List of Pesticide Regulatory Consultants

For additional assistance with consultants beyond the list below, contact:
  • Antimicrobial pesticides, contact Consumer Specialty Products Association. 
  • Biopesticides, see Biological Products Industry Alliance (BPIA) Member Regulatory Consultants. 

Notice: The inclusion of any business in this listing does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, you will need to contact the entity you’re interested in working with to confirm they are still operating as a regulatory consultant.

Company Name Individual Contact Location Telephone Number
Aal Regulatory Consulting Terri Siemer-Aal Reedley, CA (559) 859-1281
(559) 637-4576
Acadia Regulatory Consulting, LC Christine Fournier Ithaca, NY (607) 220-4860
ACTA Group LLC James V. Aidala
Lynn L. Bergeson
Sheryl L. Dolan
Dana S. Lateulere
Washington, DC (202) 266-5024 Exit
Adams Technology Systems Rob R. Adams Jr. Alpharetta, GA (770) 751-1073
Agricultural Services Inc. Steve Lovell Valdosta, GA (912) 244-4516
Agriculture & Biotechnology Strategies Inc. Morven A. McLean PhD Merrickville ONT, Canada (613) 269-7966
Agricultural Research Initiatives, Inc Dr. Kelly Cartwright Fayetteville, AR (479) 841-3699
FAX (479)575-7446
Ag-Chem Consulting LLC Dr. Matthew Brooks Clifton, VA (703) 266-0128
Alice Walker Consulting Alice Walker, Ph.D. Senatobia, MS (662) 562-5995
Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Dana P. Palmer Los Angeles, CA  (213) 955-5613 (direct)
Alston & Bird LLP Kevin Minoli
Elise Paeffgen
Washington, DC

(202) 239-3760 (Kevin)

(202) 239-3939 (Elise)


Arent Fox PLLC Stanley H. Abramson
Donald C. McLean
Karen E. Carr
Robert G. Edwards, Ph.D.
Washington, DC (202) 857-6000
Arnold & Porter Lawrence Culleen Washington, DC (202) 942-5477

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Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. Lynn L. Bergeson
James V. Aidala
Washington, DC (202) 557-3800
Beveridge & Diamond Alan Sachs Washington, DC (202) 789-6049
BioNet International corp. Frederick D. Obenchain Manassas, VA (703) 361-9508
Bondurants Consulting LLC M. Sam Bondurant Germantown, TN 38138 (901) 751.0989
Cell (901) 496-4755
Brassard Pesticide Regulatory Solutions Candy and David Brassard Washington, DC (703) 725-6413 or  (703) 568-4895 Exit
Brazos Associates, Inc Michael A. Jackson
Mary Beth Endres
Marla K. Jackson
Carrollton, TX (972) 939-8390
Burdock Group Dr. Julie Horton Orlando, FL (407)-802-1400

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Carroll-Loye Biological Research Dr. Scott Carroll, Director Davis, CA (530) 902-8267 or (530) 297-6080
Web: https://www.carroll-loye.comExit
Ceres International LLC Bert Volger West Chester, PA (610) 793-3222
Chemical Consultant's International, Inc. E.M. Bellet Overland Park, KS 913-208-5851
C. M. Schofield Consulting Mike Schofield Columbia, MO (573) 446-6451
Compliance Services International Carl Thompson Bolivar, MO (417) 777-8254
Conn & Smith Richard Conn
Cynthia A. Smith
Lorton, VA (703) 339-4199
(703) 339-1117
Cozen O'Connor Marcia Mulkey Philadelphia, PA 215-665-2122
Crowell & Moring LLP Michael Boucher
Peter Gray
Warren Lehrenbaum
Nina MacLeay
Amy Symonds
Los Angeles, CA
Washington, DC
(202) 624-2787; Email:
(202) 624-2513; Email:
(202) 624-2755; Email:
(213) 443-5559; Email: 
(202) 624-2536; Email:

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Delta Analytical Corp. Jeff Jones
Cristina Griffin
Donna Leventhal
Silver Spring, MD (301) 680-7971
Web delta-ac.comExit
Dentons Stan Landfair
Tisha B. Schestopol
Bob Schuda
Gary Roberts
San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC
(415) 267-4170; Email:
(202) 496-7165; Email:
(213) 243-6136; Email:
(213) 892-5005; Email:
D.H.Dawe & Associates David H. Dawe, Ph.D. Dumfries, VA (559) 960-2245
(703) 590-7570
DKSTS Consulting Services Daljit Nagpal Winter: Lorida, Florida
Spring, Summer & Fall: Ottawa, Ontario
Florida (1-863-467-0162) 
Canada: (1-613-316-2156) or (1-613-225-3552)
D. O'Shaughnessy Consulting Inc. Don O'Shaughnessy, Ph.D, DABT Cub Run, KY (270) 524-5633
Fax (270) 524-5634
Ecomark  Russell Waterman Orlando, FL (407) 876-3705
Edward Lyle Edward Lyle Washington, DC (202) 783-8716
Elliot Belilos Elliot Belilos Washinton, DC  Email:
Environmental Compliance Specialists, inc Tony Martinez
REM Michelle Martinez
Colorado Springs, CO (719) 237-6116
EnviroReg LLC Telisport Putsavage
Janine Gydus
Albany, NY (202) 466-3700
(518) 360-2223
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Maryann Sanders, Technical Director Holland, Michigan (616) 738-7348

Jim Messina
Rick Tinsworth
Beth Polakoff
Carrie Daniels
Phillip Cassidy
Matthew Feinberg

Washington, DC

(202) 772-4932
(202) 772-4900
(202) 772-4905
(202) 772-4916
(440) 479-5123
(301) 291-2550

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Forster & Associates Consulting, LLC Vickie A. Forster Wilmington, DE (302) 383-3313
Garvey, Schubert & Barer Matthew R. Schneider Washington, DC (202) 965-7880
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Travis R. Kline, MEM, BCES Washington, DC (202) 370-4352
(518) 965-1848
Harvard School of Public Health  (efficacy data) Richard Pollack, Ph.D. Boston, MA (617) 432-1587 
INREX, LLC Markus W. Brombacher, President Vienna, VA (703) 242-2506
Insect Control & Research Robin Todd Baltimore, MD (410) 747-3078, 4500
Integral Consulting Inc Paul C. Deleo, Ph.D.
Annapolis, MD
(410) 573-1982 ext. 515
(443) 758-3511 (cell) Exit
Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy (Canada) Jessica Walsh Mississauga, ON Canada (905) 542-2900
Jerry A. Moore PhD, J.D. Inc. Jerry A Moore PhD, J.D. Fairfax, VA (703) 802-8616
John Kennedy Consultants Inc. John Kennedy Stevensville, MD  (443) 249-0100
JM Specialty Consulting Julie Spagnoli Laurel, MS;
Washington DC
(601) 577-5237

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Keller and Heckman, LLP Michael T. Novak
Herbert Estreicher
James Votaw
Coleen Gerber
John Gustafson
Washington, DC
San Francisco, CA
(202) 434-4100
(415) 948-2800
Knoell USA, LLC Jeff Sumpter North America, South America, Europe, Asia (816) 500-1040 cell
KRK Consulting LLC Kevin Kutcel Medina, OH (440) 263-7305 Exit
Landis International Ron Landis, Peggy Galloway,
Crystal Layton, Dick Collier,
Lisa Ayn Setliff, Suzanne Holt,
Alex Porges, Rob Hummel,
Julie Horton, Layla Sconyers,
Dennis Hattermann, Tim McPherson
and Terry Porter.
Valdosta, GA (229) 247-6472
Laird's Regulatory Consultants Olivia Laird Leesburg, VA (703) 669-0509
Lewis & Harrison David Lewis
Eliot Harrison 
Washington, DC (202) 393-3903
LinReg Consulting Bruce Riggle, Ph.D. Greeley, CO (970) 353-1303
m4 Global Consulting LLC Michael S. Wenk Douglasville, GA (678) 836 6419 (voice)
(770) 947 0520 (fax)
McDermott Will & Emery LLP Edward M. Ruckert
Chris Lahiff
Jerry Hill
Washington, DC (202) 202-756-8000
Mandava Associates Bhushan Mandava, Ph.D.
Madhu Mandava
Washington, DC

Plano, TX
(202) 223-1424/1747
Fax: (202) 223-0141
(972) 265-7924
Fax: (972) 265-7942
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Jamie Huffman
Stephanie Feingold
John McGahren
Princeton, NJ

(609) 919-6600

Morningstar Consulting Inc. James F. Hobson, Ph. D. DABT Germantown, MD (301) 916-4068
NL Consultation Services Gary Libman Placitas, NM (505) 867-8154

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OMC Ag Consultants Olav Messerschmidt East Lansing, MI (517) 881-0106
Paul A. Keane & Associates Paul A. Keane Tucon, AZ (520) 615-6043
PD & R Associates John F. Wright Mount Laure,l NJ (856) 424-1528
Pither Consulting LLC Karen Pither Kansas City, MO. (816) 455-3429
Plant Synergists, Inc G. Calvin Hartzog Houston, TX (713) 906-5290
Putsavage PLLC Telisport Putsavage Albany NY (202) 466-3700
Pyxis Regulatory Consulting Janelle Whitehouse Gig Harbor, WA (253) 853-7369

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Quality Assurance Services Merritt A. Grissinger Bedford, VA (540) 354-5008
REACH24H USA Inc. Robert Kiefer
Anthea Zhou
Reston, VA (703) 596-8055
Reg West Kim Davis Greeley, CO (970) 353-0611
Registrations by Design Inc. Becky Horton Salem, VA (540) 375-8826
Registration Regulatory Services  Richard Otten Raleigh, NC (919) 846-7860
Regulatory Compliance Solutions LLC Timothy A. Dotson Sugar Hill, GA (404) 698-7199
Research International V Goncarovs Arlington, VA (703) 920-6773
Rivendell Consulting USA, LLC Gary Orr, Ph.D. Valdosta, GA (229) 247-4340
R. R. Gaughan Consulting Renata R. Gaughan, Ph.D. Lansdale, PA (215) 393-4908
Rx SAN, LLC David Dennis Highland Village, TX (614) 252-5000
Email: Exit

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Scientific & Regulatory Consultants Inc. David Swain
Rhonda Jones
Tony Herber
Rebecca Mannion
Jamie Venable
Bob MacDonald
Columbia City, IN (260) 244-6270
Scientific Research Associates  Bruce Bernard Washington, DC (202) 728-1400
SciReg Inc. Cinda Bell
James Damico
Tyler Murray
Fred Smith
Terri Spanogle
Teri Wallace

Woodbridge, VA

(703) 494-6500 Exit
Shaw Pittman David E. Menotti
Warren U. Lehrenbaum

Washington, DC

(202) 663-8675
(202) 663-8754
SHB Scientific Enterprises Sarah E. Hinz-Bridger Chandler, AZ (480) 699-6094
Sidley Austin LLP Andrew Stewart
Josh Hofheimer
Washington, DC 
Los Angeles, CA  
(202) 736-8854;
(213) 896-6061
Spring Regulatory Sciences Jeremy Malone, James Yowell, Stephanie Evans, Rei Masaki and Jamie Guillory 
Spring, TX Office Phone: (877) 227-2597 (US)
SR Consulting Steve Rogosheske Eagan, MN (651) 330-1217
SRS International Corporation John A. Todhunter, Ph.D. Falls Church, VA (703) 821-0157
Fax: (703) 821-2299
Steptoe & Johnson Seth Goldberg
Cynthia Taub
Sara Beth Watson
Washington, D.C. (202) 429-6213
(202) 429-8133
(202) 429-6460
Stewart Pesticide Registration Associates Ellsworth R Stewart Macon, MO (660) 762-4240
SynTech Global LLC Jim Wagner Hockessin, DE (302) 234-8550

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Technology Sciences Group Inc. Leslie Garcia
Juli Mann
Jacob Moore
Megan Priest
Micah Reynolds
Bob Stewart
Erin Tesch
Robin Todd
Abigail Wacek
Washington, DC
Sacramento, CA
(202) 223-4392
(530) 757-1245
Texas Analytical Laboratories Devendra Nath Ph.D. Houston, TX (800) 796-9335
The Session Law Firm PC Warner H. Session Esq. Washington, DC (202) 862-4313
The Solutous Group Lawrence N. Curcio, Ph.D. Research Triangle Park, NC (919) 942-0408
Thinc Solutions Inc. Peter G. Livingston Jefferson City, MO (573) 821 6953
J. Michael Kelley, Ph.D
Robert M. Sielaty, J.D.
Gainesville, VA (703) 754-0248
TOXCEL International Ltd James B. Cockrill
J. Michael Kelley, Ph.D.
Ledbury, UK +44 (0) 1531 638999;
(703) 754-0248
Toxicology Regulatory Services, Inc. (TRS) Keith A. Hostetler, Ph.D. Charlottesville, VA (434) 977-5957
Walter Talerek Walt Talerek Great Falls, VA (540) 935-2344
Wagner Regulatory Associates, Inc Jim Wagner Hockessin, DE (302) 635-7289
William Jordan Consulting William (Bill) Jordan Washington, DC (202) 321-5855
WILSON ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL LLC Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D Sheperdstown, WV (304) 279-4029
Fax (304)-876-0964

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