This pesticide registration notice addresses four issues:
- electronic submission of child-resistant packaging (CRP) test data for all pesticides;
- unit packaging - individual unit (actual bait station) must be CRP;
- test procedures clarification on when and how to test prefilled nonrefillable insecticide bait stations not designed or intended to be opened or activated in a manner that exposes the contents to human contact; and
- exemption from the senior and younger adult test for prefilled nonrefillable ant or roach insecticide bait stations not designed or intended to be opened or activated in a manner that exposes the contents to human contact.
Ready-to-use rodenticide bait stations are not a part of this PR Notice. The Rodenticide RED (Registration Eligibility Document) will discuss ready-to-use rodenticide bait stations.
View information about child resistant packaging.
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