You can get one free copy of materials by calling (800) 490-9198 and providing the EPA document numbers. For more than one copy or more information on Project LEAF, contact Ana Rivera-Lupianez (, (703) 305-0871.
EPA numbers for ordering these products:
- Fold-out card: EPA number is 735F11003 for Spanish/English
- Poster: EPA number is 735H11001 for Spanish/English
- Magnet: EPA number for Spanish is 735E11002 or English 735E11003
- Brochure: EPA number for Spanish is 735F11001 or English 735F11002
- CD of radio programs: EPA number for Spanish is 735C11001
Learn more about Project LEAF and these products.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Project LEAF fold out card (PDF)(2 pp, 639 K)
- Project LEAF Poster (PDF)(2 pp, 2 MB)
- Project LEAF Magnet (English) (PDF)(1 pg, 473 K)
- Project LEAF Magnet (Spanish) (PDF)(1 pg, 473 K)
- Project LEAF Brochure (English) (PDF)(2 pp, 835 K)
- Project LEAF Brochure (Spanish) (PDF)(2 pp, 876 K)