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EPA Announces May 10 Webinar on Submitting Incident Information on Pet Spot-on Flea and Tick Products to EPA

For Release: April 13, 2018

On May 10, 2018, from 1:00-3:00 pm ET, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold a webinar for registrants of pet spot-on flea and tick products to instruct them on new templates that will now be encouraged for use when reporting incidents stemming from the use of these products. This is part of an EPA effort to obtain better incident information to improve the regulation of pet Spot-on flea and tick products.

Over the past year, EPA conducted a pilot project with five volunteer registrants to determine the usability and feasibility of the templates in providing the Agency with information needed to improve the regulation of pet-spot-on flea and tick products. Although registrants have been submitting the incident data required under FIFRA section 6 (a)(2), including the more detailed reports required in 2010, those data submissions lacked consistent terminology and a common format, which made it difficult to use the data for regulatory purposes.

Over the course of the pilot, EPA sought comment from the public and the pilot participants regarding the templates and made adjustments accordingly. EPA concluded that use of the standardized templates does provide data in a format that can be readily analyzed in a meaningful way and will improve the Agency’s ability to evaluate safety of pet spot-on products.

The webinar marks the conclusion of the Pet Spot-on Enhanced Reporting Pilot and the beginning of implementation using EPA’s standardized templates. This implementation process is relevant to all spot-on products with registrations that require the submission of enhanced reporting as well as new spot-on products submitted for registration.

To participate in the webinar, go to

More information on templates.