PM State Implementation Plan (SIP) Checklist Guide
Determine What Type of State Implementation Plan (SIP) is Required
- See development of specific elements for each of the major SIP types
Timeline for the SIP Development Process
Public Input and Other CAA SIP Development Requirements
Public Input
- Streamlining the SIP Process includes guidelines on planning and issuing public notices for each step of development, allowing for public comment.
Emissions Inventory, Monitoring, and Modeling
- Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors (ChIEF) includes resources on the National Emissions Inventory and tools such as WebFIRE (Web Factor Information Retrieval).
- Ambient Air Monitoring
- Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling (SCRAM)
- Emissions Measurement Center (EMC) includes methods for measuring PM.
Strategies for Controlling PM Emissions
- Menu of Control Measures, and Regional PM Reduction Programs
- RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC): database of "reasonably available" and "best available" control technologies
- Control Strategy Tool (CoST): part of EPA's Emissions Modeling Framework (EMF). CoST models the emission reductions and engineering costs associated with control strategies for point, area, and mobile sources of air pollutant emissions
Submit SIP to EPA for Approval
- Streamlining the SIP Process: check SIP for efficiency and effectiveness.
- Review guidelines for submitting a SIP online
- Once the SIP meets completeness criteria, and is submitted to EPA, the state issues a state notification and allows for comment. Then after a final notice, implementation begins (adoption of SIP elements). Note: this begins before the SIP has been finally approved.
Need more help?
- The PM Advance Program offers additional assistance to areas that are very near nonattainment.
- The Burn Wise Program emphasises the importance of burning the right wood, the right way in the right appliance.
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