Related Rules and Programs that Help States Attain PM Standards
EPA’s national and regional rules to reduce emissions of pollutants that form particulate matter (PM) pollution will help state and local governments meet the Agency’s national air quality standards. A number of voluntary programs also are helping areas reduce their fine particle pollution.
General Conformity Rule: This rule ensures that action taken by federal agencies in nonattainment and maintenance areas do not interfere with a state’s plan to meet national air standards.
Power Plants and Industries
Interstate Air Pollution Transport
Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)
Controlling Air Pollution from Stationary Engines
Controlling Air Pollution from Boilers and Process Heaters
Visibility and Regional Haze: The 1999 Regional Haze Rule and subsequent amendments require emission controls for industrial facilities emitting air pollutants that reduce visibility, including fine particle pollution and gases that contribute to fine particle formation.
Exceptional Events Rule and Guidance: Exceptional events are unusual or naturally occurring events that can affect air quality but are not reasonably controllable using techniques that tribal, state or local agencies may implement in order to attain and maintain the national air standards.
Mobile Sources
Emission Standards Reference Guide for On-road and Nonroad Vehicles and Engines: include standards for highway motorcycles, power forklifts, electric generators, recreational boat engines, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles and offroad motorbikes, locomotives, and watercraft.
State and Local Transportation Resources: Transportation Conformity, travel efficiency strategies, and other tools help states to achieve air quality and transportation objectives.
Voluntary Programs
PM Advance: The Advance Program is a collaborative effort between EPA, states, Tribes, and local governments which encourages reductions in ozone and fine particle pollution (PM2.5). The program helps attainment areas continue to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
BurnWise: This voluntary partnership program emphasizes the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right appliance to protect your home, health, and the air we breathe.
Clean Diesel and DERA Funding : The Clean Diesel Program offers DERA funding in the form of grants and rebates as well as other support for projects that protect human health and improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines