EPA National Quality System Contacts
Each EPA Regional Office, National Program Office and ORD National Research Laboratory and Center develops and implements its own individual system in support of the EPA Quality System. Below are the contacts for each EPA organization. (Note: All EPA e-mail addresses are of the form lastname.firstname@epa.gov except where specified.)
Several EPA organizations have quality-related web pages that contain information on training, guidance and other items. For your convenience, links to these web sites are provided next to the responsible office.
The Office of Environmental Information's Environmental Quality Management Division (EQMD) develops Agency-wide Quality System policies, develops supporting guidance and tools, provides related training and outreach and oversees the implementation by EPA organizations. Katherine Chalfant (quality@epa.gov) is the Acting Director of the EQMD.
- Administration and Resources Management
- Air and Radiation
- Enforcement and Compliance
- Office of Mission Support
- Office of the Administrator
- Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
- Regions
- Research and Development
- Land and Emergency Management
- Water
- Other Organizations and Contacts
Administration and Resources Management
- Office of Administration - Jamar Jackson (jackson.jamar@epa.gov)
- Office of Human Resources - TBD
Air and Radiation
- AA Representative - Allison Crimmins (crimmins.allison@epa.gov)
- Atmospheric Programs - Daniel Hopkins (hopkins.daniel@epa.gov)
- Air Quality Planning and Standards - Jenia McBrian (mcbrian.jenia@epa.gov)
- Radiation and Indoor Air - Jen Mosser (mosser.jennifer@epa.gov)
- Transportation and Air Quality - Ruth Schenk (schenk.ruth@epa.gov)
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
- AA Representative - Antionette Lyles (lyles.antionette@epa.gov)
- Federal Facilities Enforcement - TBD
- Civil Enforcement - Charlie Collins (collins.charlie@epa.gov)
- Compliance - David Meredith (meredith.david@epa.gov)
- Criminal Enforcement, Forensics, and Training - TBD
- National Enforcement Investigations Center - Kenna Yarbrough (yarbrough.kenna@epa.gov)
- Site Remediation Enforcement - Stephen Keim (keim.stephen@epa.gov)
Office of Mission Support
- OMS Representative - Dan Coogan (coogan.daniel@epa.gov)
- Office of Business, Resources and Operations - Jan Jablonski (jablonski.janice@epa.gov)
Office of the Administrator
- Children's Health Protection - Manthan Shah (shah.manthan@epa.gov)
- Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations - TBD
- Policy - Carl Pasurka (pasurka.carl@epa.gov)
- Environmental Justice - Carl Pasurka (pasurka.carl@epa.gov)
Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
- AA Representative -TBD
- Pesticide Program - Denise Rice (rice.denise@epa.gov)
- Pollution Prevention and Toxics - Jafrul Hasan (hasan.jafrul@epa.gov)
- Science Coordination and Policy - William Wooge (wooge.william@epa.gov)
Regional Offices
- Region 1 (CT ME MA NH RI VT) - Robert Reinhart (reinhart.robert@epa.gov) | Region 1 Quality Web page
- Region 2 (NJ NY PR VI)- Linda Mauel (mauel.linda@epa.gov) | Region 2 Quality Web page
- Region 3 (DE DC MD PA VA WV) - Kia Long (long.kia@epa.gov) | Region 3 Quality Web page
- Region 4 (AL FL GA KY MS NC SC TN) - Liza Montalvo (montalvo.liza@epa.gov) | Region 4 Quality Web page
- Region 5 (IL IN MI MN OH WI)- Jackie Adams (adams.jacqueline@epa.gov) | Region 5 Quality Web page
- Region 6 (AR LA NM OK TX) - Sala Senkayi (senkayi.sala@epa.gov) | Region 6 Quality Web page
- Region 7 (IA KS MO NE) - Diane Harris (harris.dianee@epa.gov) | Region 7 Quality Web page
- Region 8 (CO MT ND SD UT WY) - Linda Himmelbauer (himmelbauer.linda@epa.gov) | Region 8 Quality Web page
- Region 9 (AZ CA HI NV AS GU) - Audrey Johnson (johnson.audreyl@epa.gov) | Region 9 Quality Web page
- Region 10 (AK ID OR WA) - Donald M. Brown (brown.donaldm@epa.gov) | Region 10 Quality Web page
Research and Development
- AA Representative - Lora Johnson (johnson.lora@epa.gov)
- Center for Environmental Measurement & Modeling (CEMM) - Eletha Brady-Roberts (brady-roberts.eletha@epa.gov)
- Center for Computational Toxicology & Exposure (CCTE) - James Noel (noel.james@epa.gov)
- Center for Public Health & Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) - Holly Ferguson (ferguson.holly@epa.gov) & Cheryl Itkin (itkin.cheryl@epa.gov)
- Center for Environemental Solutions & Emergency Response (CESER) - Steven Jones (jones.steven@epa.gov)
- Office of Science Information Management (OSIM) - Lora Johnson (johnson.lora@epa.gov)
- Office of Science Advisor, Policy & Engagement (OSAPE) - Michelle Henderson (henderson.michelle@epa.gov)
Land and Emergency Management
- AA Representative - Steve Schmitt (schmitt.stephen@epa.gov)
- Brownfields Cleanup & Redevelopment - Pankaj Arora (arora.pankaj@epa.gov)
- Emergency Management - Nick Nichols (nichols.nick@epa.gov)
- Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse - Monica McEaddy (mceaddy.monica@epa.gov)
- Information Management & Data Quality Staff - Regina Magbie (magbie.regina@epa.gov)
- Resource Conservation and Recovery - Christie Langlois-Miller (langlois-miller@christina@epa.gov)
- Superfund Remediation & Technology Innovation - David Charters (charters.davidw@epa.gov)
- Environmental Response Team - David Charters (charters.davidw@epa.gov)
- Underground Storage Tanks - Tom Walker (walker.tom@epa.gov)
- AA Representative - Lynn Zipf (zipf.lynn@epa.gov)
- Ground Water and Drinking Water - Travis Cummings (cummings.travis@epa.gov)
- Science and Technology - Lynn Zipf (zipf.lynn@epa.gov)
- Waste Water Management - Kit Farber (farber.kit@epa.gov)
- Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds - Cynthia Johnson (johnson.cynthian@epa.gov)
Other Organizations and Contacts
- Chesapeake Bay Program - Durga Ghosh (dghosh@chesapeakebay.net)
- Gulf of Mexico Program - Calista Mills (mills.calista@epa.gov)
- Information Quality Guidelines - Bob Tallent (tallent.robert@epa.gov)
- Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force (IDQTF) - TBD
- International and Tribal Affairs - Lenore Connell (Connell.Lenore@epa.gov)