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Region 10 Tribal Programs

Cleaning Up Tribal Lands in Region 10

If your tribal lands project will involve collecting or using environmental data, learn about developing a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).

This page highlights some of the EPA resources available to help tribes address environmental issues impacting tribal lands in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. For additional information, visit EPA's Cleaning Up, Protecting and Preserving Tribal Lands website.

On this page:


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Solid Waste

The following resources are designed to help tribes address solid waste issues through the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program.

Integrated Waste Management Plans

To obtain funding for solid waste implementation activities (which include solid waste and recovered materials collection, transportation, backhaul, and disposal services), EPA Region 10 requires tribes to have or develop an Integrated Waste Management Plan. Such a plan serves as a roadmap for developing an effective waste management program for your community. The following resources may help tribes develop these plans, which EPA recommends be reviewed and approved by your Tribal Council and updated at least once every five years.

Funding Opportunities

Many organizations provide funding for solid waste activities in tribal communities.


EPA Region 10 works in collaboration with many organizations such as the Tribal Solid Waste Advisory NetworkExit and Backhaul AlaskaExit to help tribes manage waste. Visit our Training page  to find training and technical assistance opportunities. (Sort the table by topic to search for solid waste.)

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Sustainable Materials Management

EPA's Tribal Waste Journal

Read the September 2020 issue of Tribal Waste Journal (Issue 11), which highlights sustainable management of food, construction, and recycling by Haskell Indian Nations University, Miigwech Aki, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, and the Choctaw Nation.

Reduce the waste your community sends to the landfill through recycling, reusing materials, reducing food waste, and planning for natural disasters.

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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

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Staff Focus Area/Expertise
EPA Region 10 Tribal Waste Team

Gabriela Carvalho

Tribal Waste Coordinator
Backhaul Alaska, Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes.

Angel Ip

Tribal Waste Coordinator
Tribal waste technical assistance, tools, and training for all Region 10 tribes.

Rick McMonagle

Tribal Waste Liaison
Individualized and on-site technical assistance for tribes in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

Jim Penor

Tribal Waste Liaison
Individualized and on-site technical assistance for tribes in Alaska.

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