Correspondence between EPA and DOE regarding the interim and supplemental ventilation systems, as well as the inspection report from April 2016, can be found below in Adobe (PDF) format.
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Letter from J. Edwards, EPA, to T. Shrader, DOE/CBFO, requesting plans for interim and supplemental ventilation systems at the WIPP (PDF)(2 pp, 412 K,
January 29, 2016)
Letter from EPA to DOE/CBFO regarding ventilation systems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Letter from T. Shrader, DOE/CBFO, to J. Edwards, EPA, transmitting requested information on the Interim Ventilation System (IVS) and Supplemental Ventilation System (SVS) for implementation at the WIPP (PDF)(1 pg, 757 K,
April 28, 2016)
Letter from DOE/CBFO to EPA responding to comments on ventilation systems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Enclosure 1: DOE's Responses to EPA Comments (PDF)(8 pp, 515 K)
DOE's Responses to EPA Comments and Questions from January 29, 2016 letter on the ventilation systems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Enclosure 2: UVFS Alarm Response (PDF)(23 pp, 278 K)
Enclosure regarding the Underground Ventilation Filtration System (UVFS) alarm response procedure.
Enclosure 3: Air Sampling Equipment (PDF)(20 pp, 91 K)
Enclosure regarding air sampling equipment in the ventilation systems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Enclosure 4: Station B Canberra iCAM Alpha Continuous Air Monitor (PDF)(40 pp, 338 K)
Enclosure regarding the Station B continuous air monitor in the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Enclosure 5: UVFS Airborne Radioactivity (PDF)(27 pp, 570 K)
Enclosure regarding airborne radioactivity for the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Letter from A. Perrin, EPA, to T. Shrader, DOE/CBFO, transmitting approval and inspection report for interim and supplemental ventilation systems at the WIPP (PDF)(2 pp, 436 K,
June 24, 2016)
Letter from EPA to DOE transmitting comments and the final inspection report for the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
EPA Inspection Report (April 26-27, 2016): Review of Station B Qualification and Observation of Station B Coefficient Variant Testing at the WIPP (PDF)(18 pp, 2 MB)
EPA Inspection Report from April 2016 reviewing the ventilation system (Station B) at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Attachment A: Testing Schedule (PDF)(1 pg, 168 K)
Attachment from EPA Inspection Report from April 2016 regarding the testing schedule for the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Attachment B: Station B Stack COV Testing of IVS & SVS (PDF)(18 pp, 4 MB)
Attachment for EPA Inspection Report from April 2016 regarding the Stack Coefficient of Variation (COV) testing (Station B) for the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).