Pecos Management Services, Inc. (PECOS) conducted independent oversight of WIPP through a dedicated and focused project entitled Independent Scientific Oversight of TRU Waste Operations (ISO-2). The scope of the ISO-2 Project is to conduct independent reviews and evaluations of the design, construction, and operations of WIPP as they relate to the protection of the public health and safety and the environment. These reviews and evaluations encompass the current and future WIPP activities in the program areas of TRU waste characterization, transportation, and disposal.
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Assessment of an Alternate Approach for Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Disposal (PDF)(13 pp, 280 K,
September 2010)
The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of proposed alternate RH TRU mixed waste emplacement concepts that would enhance available WIPP space capacity by either replacing or augmenting horizontal borehole or shielded container disposal methods.
Update to the RH/CH Disposal Operations Evaluation (PDF)(24 pp, 225 K,
September 2010)
In this report PECOS reviewed all current and planned activities associated with WIPP operations pertaining to CH and RH TRU waste handling and disposal.
Assessment of WIPP Quality Assurance Deficiency Trends (PDF)(16 pp, 824 K,
September 2010)
The scope of this report is to address the adequacy and effectiveness of the facility's quality assurance (QA) deficiency trending and reporting program.
Assessment of WIPP Hydrology & Hydrogeology Programs (PDF)(20 pp, 393 K,
August 2010)
This report addresses the adequacy and effectiveness of hydrology and hydrogeology programs conducted prior to during the operation of the WIPP; it also relates to issues of human health, safety, and environmental protection, and addresses shallow subsurface water (SSW) issues.
A Study of WIPP Radiological Transuranic Waste Characterization Requirements and Activities (PDF)(37 pp, 422 K,
April 2010)
This report contains PECOS' conclusions and recommendations for proposed modifications that could potentially reduce waste characterization program costs and improve the efficiency of waste operations at the WIPP without increasing associated health and safety risks.
Letter from Pecos Management Services, Inc. (PECOS) to DOE (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB,
September 2009)
Letter to DOE regarding the review of the report, ""Proof of Rapid Rainwater Recharge at the WIPP Site.
Potential Health and Safety Impacts of Removal of Containers from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (PDF)(20 pp, 331 K,
November 2008)
This report provides an analysis of potential health and safety (H&S) impacts that could occur as a result of removing TRU waste containers from the WIPP or as a result of allowing non-compliant TRU waste containers (those that do not conform to the Waste Acceptance Criteria) to remain at the WIPP.
An Evaluation of the Health and Safety Risks Resulting from Repackaging TRU Waste for Disposal in WIPP (PDF)(22 pp, 261 K,
October 2008)
The purpose of this report is to review health and safety risks resulting from repackaging transuranic (TRU) waste to be disposed at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and to present the findings of Pecos Management Services, Inc. (PECOS).
Efficient and Effective Disposal of Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (PDF)(26 pp, 234 K,
February 2008)
The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of current packaging, transportation, and disposal operations and to determine how effectively and efficiently these operations will emplace the projected TRU waste inventory.
Review of the DOE Request for Magnesium Oxide Requirement Reduction (PDF)(22 pp, 288 K,
October 2007)
The purpose of this review and report is to summarize the technical and operational arguments presented, evaluate their basis and validity, and present an independent opinion as to merits of the DOE request.
Evaluation of the Quality and Realism of the Performance Assessment (PDF)(75 pp, 1 MB,
June 2007)
The purpose of this report is to review documentation and other information concerning the requirements, assumptions, and inputs for the performance assessment (PA) prepared for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Review of the TRUPACT-III Type B Shipping Package (PDF)(21 pp, 338 K,
May 2007)
The purpose of this report is to provide a review of the testing, safety considerations, and compliance with procedures used for Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification of the TRUPACT-III shipping package.
An Evaluation of the Readiness of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for Disposal of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste (PDF)(14 pp, 303 K,
May 2007)
The purpose of this report is to present the findings of PECOS Management Services, Inc. (PECOS) review of the preparations by the Department of Energy (DOE) and Washington TRU Solutions (WTS), the operating contractor, for receipt and disposal of remote-handled (RH) transuranic waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
An Evaluation of the Approved and Proposed Panel Closure Systems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (PDF)(22 pp, 345 K,
October 2006)
The purpose of this report is to review documentation and other information concerning the requirements and associated designs relating to the closure of underground waste disposal panels in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
A Review of Real-Time Radiography of Remote-Handled TRU Waste (PDF)(15 pp, 171 K,
July 2006)
The purpose of this report is to review available information relating to the effectiveness of real-time radiography (RTR) for characterization of remote-handled (RH) transuranic waste destined for disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, NM.
An Analysis of the Monitoring of Rooms and Panels at WIPP (PDF)(21 pp, 196 K,
April 2006)
This report focuses on current and proposed monitoring plans for active and closed rooms and panels at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). The purpose of the report is to determine - from the environmental, safety, and health perspective - whether there are benefits to monitoring inside active panels and inside closed panels.