Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) - Generic Tables
Tables as of:
For assistance/questions please use the Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) contact us page.
The RSL and RML default values are available in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store for use on mobile devices.
The screening level (SL) tables are available for download in Excel and PDF formats. All tables are presented with target cancer risk (TR) of 1E-06, however, tables are presented with target hazard quotients (THQ) of 1.0 and 0.1. Use the tables appropriate for your region. These tables are considered ready for use. The tables contain both SL calculations and the toxicity values that were used. The download tables do not include the ingestion of fish exposure pathway, the outdoor worker and the indoor worker exposure to soil exposure pathway that are presented in the User's Guide. These exposure pathways can be considered on a site-specific basis in the Calculator.
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- If you wish to receive notifications when RSLs are updated, use the Signup Form to learn more.
- For RSL questions please use the RSL Contact Us page.
- For general risk assessment questions, separate from the RSLs, please use the General Risk Assessment Contact page.
Screening Levels | (TR=1E-06 THQ=1.0) |
(TR=1E-06 THQ=1.0) |
(TR=1E-06 THQ=0.1) |
(TR=1E-06 THQ=0.1) |
Summary Table | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Resident Soil | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Composite Worker Soil | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Resident Air | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Composite Worker Air | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Resident Tapwater | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Resident Soil to Groundwater | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Composite Table (Every Table) | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... | Loading... |
Other Tables | XLS | |
Chemical Specific Parameters | Loading... | Loading... |
Subchronic Toxicity Values | Loading... | Loading... |
Annotation/Abbreviation | Definition | Links to detailed discussion |
Toxicity Related | ||
CAS | Chemical Abstracts Services Registry Number | CAS is a unique numerical identifier assigned to every chemical substance described in the open scientific literature, including organic and inorganic compounds. |
SF, SFO, CSFo | Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1 | See section 2.3.3 of the user's guide. |
IUR | Inhalation Unit Risk (µg/m3)-1 | See section 2.3.4 of the user's guide. |
RfD or RfDo | Chronic Oral Reference Dose (mg/kg-day) | See section 2.3.1 of the user's guide. |
RfC | Chronic Inhalation Reference Concentration (mg/m3) | See section 2.3.2 of the user's guide. |
I or IRIS | EPA's Integrated Risk Information System | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the IRIS website. |
P or PPRTV | The Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the PPRTV website. |
D or DWSHA | Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories | See section 2.5 of the user's guide and the DWSHA website. |
O or OPP | EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides website. |
A or ATSDR | The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry minimal risk levels (MRLs) | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the ATSDR website. |
C or Cal EPA | The California Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment | See section 2.3 of the user's guideand the Cal EPA OEHHA website. |
X | Screening toxicity values in an appendix to certain PPRTV assessments | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the PPRTV website. |
H | The EPA Superfund program's Health Effects Assessment Summary Table | See section 2.3 of the user's guide and the HEAST website. |
E | Toxicity Equivilence Factors (TEF) applied | See section 2.3.5 of the user's guide for description of TEFs for dioxins |
W | Relative Potencey Factors (RPFs) applied | See section 2.3.6 of the user's guide for description of RPFs for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) |
G |
See user's guide section 5 |
See section 5 of the user's guide for special considerations. |
M | Mutagen | See section 5.17 of the user's guide. Some of the cancer causing analytes in this tool operate by a mutagenic mode of action for carcinogenesis. Special equations are used. |
GIABS | Fraction of contaminant absorbed in gastrointestinal tract (unitless) | See Exhibit 4-1 of the soil screening guidance. Note: if the GIABS is >50% then it is set to 100% for the calculation of dermal toxicity values. |
ABS or ABSd | Fraction of contaminant absorbed dermally from soil (unitless) | See Exhibit 3-4 of the soil screening guidance |
Csat | Soil saturation concentration (mg/kg) | See section 5.12 of the user's guide. The soil saturation concentration, Csat, corresponds to the contaminant concentration in soil at which the absorptive limits of the soil particles, the solubility limits of the soil pore water, and saturation of soil pore air have been reached. |
RBA | Relative bioavailability factor | See section 5.10 of the user's guide. Arsenic screening levels for ingestion of soil are now calculated with the default relative bioavailability factor (RBA) of 0.6. |
RSL Related | ||
SL | Screening Level | See section 1 of the user's guide and FAQ 1. |
TR | Target Risk | See section 5.14 of the user's guide. |
THQ | Target Hazard Quotient | See section 5.14 of the user's guideand FAQ 6. |
THI | Target Hazard Index | See section 5.14 of the user's guide. and FAQ 6. |
SSL | Soil Screening Level | See section 4.8 of the user's guide. |
c or ca | Cancer is driving screening level | See section 5.14 of the user's guide. Cancer and noncancer screening levels are presented in the supporting tables. The most protective value is chosen for the summary table. |
n or nc | Noncancer is driving screening level | See section 5.14 of the user's guide Cancer and noncancer screening levels are presented in the supporting tables. The most protective value is chosen for the summary table. |
* | The noncancer screening level is less than 100 times the cancer screening level | See section 5.14 of the user's guide. Some users of this SL Table may plan to multiply the cancer SL concentrations by 100 to set 'action levels' for triggering remediation or to set less stringent cleanup levels for a specific site after considering non-risk-based factors such as ambient levels, detection limits, or technological feasibility. |
** | The noncancer screening level is less than 10 times the cancer screening level | See section 5.14 of the user's guide. Some users of this SL Table may plan to multiply the cancer SL concentrations by 10 to set 'action levels' for triggering remediation or to set less stringent cleanup levels for a specific site after considering non-risk-based factors such as ambient levels, detection limits, or technological feasibility. |
m or max | The screening level has exceeded the theoretical maximum concentration. | See section 5.13 of the user's guide. The ceiling limit of 10+5 mg/kg is equivalent to a chemical representing 10% by weight of the soil sample. At this contaminant concentration (and higher), the assumptions for soil contact may be violated (for example, soil adherence and wind-borne dispersion assumptions) due to the presence of the foreign substance itself. |
s or sat | The screening level has exceeded the theoretical absorption limit of the soil. | See section 5.12 of the user's guide. The soil saturation concentration, Csat, corresponds to the contaminant concentration in soil at which the absorptive limits of the soil particles, the solubility limits of the soil pore water, and saturation of soil pore air have been reached. Above this concentration, the soil contaminant may be present in free phase (i.e., nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) for contaminants that are liquid at ambient soil temperatures and pure solid phases for compounds that are solid at ambient soil temperatures). |
DAF | Dilution attenuation factor | See section 4.8.5 of the user's guide. |
U | User-provided | In user-provided mode all the input values are given a reference of U. |
Toxicity Related | ||
ppm | parts per million | ppm is the number of units of mass of a contaminant per million units of total mass. |
ppb | parts per billion | ppb is the number of units of mass of a contaminant per billion units of total mass. |
kg | kilogram | 1,000 grams |
mg | milligram | 1,000th of a gram |
µg | microgram | 1,000,000th of a gram |
m3 | cubic meters | A volume that is made by a cube that is 1 meter on each side. |
For assistance/questions please use the Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) contact us page. For general risk assessment questions, separate from the RSLs, please use the link below.