RAGS Part B is one of a three-part series: Part A addresses the baseline risk assessment; and Part C addresses human health risk evaluations of remedial alternatives. Part B provides guidance on using U.S.EPA toxicity values and exposure information to derive risk-based preliminary remedial goals (PRGs) for a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) site. Initially developed at the scoping phase of an assessment using readily available information, risk-based PRGs generally are modified based on site-specific data gathered during the remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS). This guidance does not discuss the risk management decisions that are necessary at a CERCLA site.
The potential users of Part B are those involved in the remedy selection and implementation process, including risk assessors, risk assessment reviewers, remedial project managers, and other decision makers.
RAGS Part B Guidance Documents
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Table of Contents/Preface (PDF)(12 pp, 1 MB, 12/1991, EPA/540/R-92/003)
- Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF)(6 pp, 837 K)
- Chapter 2: Identification of Preliminary Remediation Goals (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
- Chapter 3: Calculation of Risk-Based Preliminary Remediation Goals (PDF)(13 pp, 2 MB)
- Chapter 4: Risk-Based PRGs for radioactive Contaminants (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- RAGs part B references (PDF)(10 pp, 872 K)