EPA convened a technical workshop to evaluate the relationship between the low salinity zone (where marine and freshwater mix) and aquatic life populations including fish, zooplankton, and phytoplankton. Workshop products were provided to the State Water Resources Control Board to use as they consider updates to water quality standards intended to protect aquatic life. Workshop products are provided below.
- Review of San Francisco Bay Delta Estuary Low Salinity Zone Scientific Papers and Summary of Key Findings (PDF)(5 pp, 434 K)
- Description of Estuarine Habitat, Low Salinity Zone, and X2 Models (PDF)(30 pp, 857 K)
- Notes on Estimating X2 with DAYFLOW (PDF)(5 pp, 414 K)
- Salinity and flow in Northern San Francisco Bay: Physics and Modeling (SUNTANS) (PDF)(12 pp, 1 MB)
- Modeling Estuarine Habitat using the UnTRIM Bay-Delta Model (PDF)(28 pp, 1 MB)
- Historical Perspectives on the Estuarine Gradient (PDF)(27 pp, 5 MB)
- Low Salinity Zone Workshop Summary (PDF)(69 pp, 2 MB)