Estuary 2100 Project, Phase 1: Resilient Watersheds for a Changing Climate
Sixteen discrete on-the-ground projects in 4 different program areas:
- Wetland and Watershed Restoration: remove mercury laden sediment from the Guadalupe watershed (TMDL implementation), develop and pilot water conservation techniques for vineyards, restore riparian and instream habitat to address excessive stream temperatures at Stanley Reach on the Arroyo Mocho, remove- fish passage barriers on Stonybrook Creek, focused efforts on invasive Spartina eradication and initiation of Littorina eradication, use of historical ecology in bayland planning and management processes and restore estuarine habitat in Yosemite Slough, Arrowhead Marsh, Eden Landing and Bahia Marsh.
- Climate Change: Monitoring Changes in the Bay: produce conceptual adaptive management plans that address climate change effects for wetlands in the Bay Area; analyze vegetation, mudflat, and channel evolution in the South Bay Salt Ponds (SBSP); monitor the changes in mercury bioaccumulation resulting from the SBSP Pond A8 levee breaching; and develop stream restoration design curves for Marin and Sonoma watersheds.
- LID and Stormwater BMPs: identify and quantify suitable public lands for Alameda County that can be converted from impervious to pervious land cover to manage urban runoff, design and construct a Low Impact Development (LID) pilot project in a low-income San Francisco neighborhood, conduct municipal pesticide reduction trainings and target outreach to reduce urban pesticide use.
- Public Outreach: work with over fifteen partners to coordinate information on project results and conduct a public outreach campaign.
Project Facts
Recipient: San Francisco Estuary Partnership/ABAG
Funding: $4,922,000 (non-federal match = $5,796,701)
Project Period: February 2009 – February 2016
Partners: Bay Conservation and Development Commission, City of San Francisco Planning Department, Community Conservation International, Save the Bay, Waterways Restoration Institute, USGS, Resource Legacy Fund, California Land Stewardship Institute, Santa Clara County Parks, Alameda County Resource Conservation District , Center for Research on Aquatic Bioinvasions, Coastal Conservancy's Invasive Spartina Project, California State Parks Foundation, Marin Audubon Society, Urban Creeks Council, San Francisco Estuary Institute, Zone 7 Water Agency, University of San Francisco, ESA, San Francisco Department of Public Works, Literacy for Environmental Justice
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Control erosion and sediment transport from the 4.3 acre Senador Mine, an abandoned mercury mine in the Guadalupe River watershed, and dispose of calcines on-site to reduce mercury loads to local streams and San Francisco Bay (Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation, $492,500) Collect annual satellite and aerial imagery showing the extent of mudflats and vegetation communities in the South Bay Salt Ponds, update wetland restoration design tools and document mercury cycling in restored tidal marsh and Pond A8 (Resources Legacy Fund, $403,850) Examine the resilience of Corte Madera Baylands to sea level rise, and consider how their ecosystem benefits can be preserved (Bay Conservation and Development Commission, $591,000) Develop stream design curves for creeks in Marin and Sonoma counties to aid in stream restoration projects by analyzing the morphology of a statistically significant number of stable streams and plotting bankfull width, height, and sinuosity against drainage area. Establish the correlation between the various channel characteristics and the hydrology of the region (Waterways Resources Institute, $30,000) Propagate and plant over 12,000 native plants on 10.5 acres to establish upland transition zones adjacent to the existing Bahia tidal wetlands (Marin Audubon Society, $56,000) Plant 1500 native oak trees, 3500 native riparian trees, and remove fish barriers in the Stanley Reach of Alameda Creek ( Urban Creeks Council, $393,998) Improve two road culverts that are fish barriers in Stonybrook Creek, a tributary of Alameda Creek (Alameda County Resource Conservation District, $147,750) Develop best management practices to reduce vineyard water use during critical periods of salmonid migration (California Land Stewardship Institute, $98,500) Remove invasive plants and revegetate with native plants at Eden Landing and MLK shoreline to further wetlands restoration (Save the Bay, $197,000) Provide hands-on training for local youth interns on plant propagation and wetlands restoration at Yosemite Slough (California Parks Foundation, $98,500) Survey and remove Littorina littorea, an invasive snail, at three locations around San Francisco Bay: Ashby Spit, Foster City, and Dumbarton Point (Center for Research on Aquatic Bioinvasions, $30,000) Treat and remove invasive Spartina from various locations around San Francisco Bay (California State Coastal Conservancy, $172,375) Develop best management practices and case studies for single-use bags and polystyrene. Work with Bay Area cities to implement plastic bag and Styrofoam bans (Save the Bay, $394,000). Map all impervious public parcels in Alameda County to assess low impact development/green stormwater treatment potential (Community Conservation International, $246,250) Replace 20,891 ft.2 of concrete with new landscaping, street trees, stormwater planters and permeable pavers to allow rainwater to permeate into the ground along one block of Newcomb Ave., San Francisco (City and County of San Francisco, $492,500) Conduct Baywide outreach on water quality, low impact development, integrated pest management and wetland restoration via forums and podcasts (SFEP, $109,900) |
Remove approximately 291 pounds of mercury laden calcines from the Guadalupe watershed and bury them in the San Francisco Open Cut Develop passive and active frost control measures for vineyards and pilot two different techniques Removal of invasive plant species (30% reduction) accompanied by revegetation with native wetland plants at Eden Landing and Martin Luther King Regional Shoreline Park (2.24 acres total) Restore 13.4 acres of riparian habitat and ~5200 linear feet of stream habitat for salmonids Open 0.7 stream-miles of upstream aquatic habitat Restore 2.24 acres of tidal marsh ecotone habitat Create wetland habitat attractive to the Remove populations of Littorina littorea – from Ashby Spit, Foster City, and Dumbarton Point Remove 90 acres of invasive Spartina Adopt plastic bag and/or polystyrene bans in over three Bay Area cities Treat 1.17 acres of impervious surface with LID Create 8 educational podcasts highlighting the projects’ successes to reach the public |
Ongoing restoration and management for each watershed draining to San Francisco Bay Reduce loadings of mercury to the Guadalupe River as per the Guadalupe River Mercury TMDL Widespread use of LID to treat polluted stormwater and enhance aquatic ecosystems Increased shoreline resilience to sea level rise Increased habitat resilience and spawning habitat in the Alameda Creek watershed designated as an important watershed for recovering regional steelhead populations More widespread use of water conserving frost control measures in vineyards in the Bay area Reduction of trash entering San Francisco Bay tributaries Management and control of invasive Spartina and Littorina littorea |
Full List of Project Summaries