Estuary 2100 Project, Phase 2: Building Partnerships for Resilient Watersheds
Ten discrete on-the-ground projects in 4 different program areas:
- Wetland and Watershed Restoration: restoring estuarine habitat at Yosemite Slough and subtidal and eelgrass habitat in several Bay locations, and shoreline characterization and historical change analysis of San Pablo Bay.
- Water Quality Improvement: implementing TMDL actions for pathogens and sediment in Richardson Bay, Sonoma Creek and the Napa River, and tracking progress towards TMDL goals.
- LID and Stormwater BMPs: constructing and monitoring tree well filters in Fremont, and analyzing stormwater diversion options in Richmond following stormwater characterization.
- Data Management and Regional Capacity Building: creating interface for local and regional agencies to upload data into the Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory system
Project Facts
Recipient: San Francisco Estuary Partnership/Association of Bay Area Governments
Funding: $3,613,704 (non-federal match = $1,204,568)
Project Period: March 2010 – December 2016
Partners: California State Parks Foundation, California Coastal Conservancy, California Land Stewardship Institute, County of Marin, City of Mill Valley, Napa Resource Conservation District, Sonoma Ecology Center, Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District, City of Fremont, City of Richmond, San Francisco Estuary Institute, North Bay Watershed Association, Marin Municipal Water District, Contra Costa County Public Works
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Pilot two alternate full sized tree well filter designs to both treat stormwater in an industrial area of Fremont and incorporate NPDES trash capture requirements (City of Fremont, $300,000) Evaluate the feasibility of diverting stormwater flows from the North Richmond pump station to the nearby wastewater treatment facility for treatment prior to discharge to SF Bay and, if feasible, construction of retrofits to divert flows from the North Richmond Pump station to the treatment facility (Contra Costa County Public Works, $683,032) Implement two projects to address the Richardson Bay Pathogen TMDL (Marin County, $614,655):
Implement sediment TMDL projects in the Napa River watershed (Napa County Resource Conservation District, $367,500)
Implement sediment TMDL projects in the Napa River watershed (California Land Stewardship Institute, $119,000)
Implement sediment TMDL projects in the Sonoma Creek watershed (Sonoma Ecology Center, $363,800).
Implement sediment TMDL projects in the southern Sonoma Creek watershed (Sonoma Resource Conservation District, $318,300).
Living Shorelines: subtidal habitat improvement and native oyster restoration (State Coastal Conservancy, $300,000)
Shoreline Change Study and Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory (BAARI) Accessibility Project (San Francisco Estuary Institute, $370,000)
Treat stormwater from over 14,000 ft.² of impervious surface in an industrial area of Fremont Treat dry weather polluted stormwater prior to discharging to SF Bay Restore stream corridor within the Boyle Park reach of a tributary to Warner Creek, and reduce pathogens to Warner Creek and Richardson Bay Treat over four miles of highly erosive road in Napa County and prevent approximately 4000 yd.³ of sediment prevented from reaching the Napa River Up to 10,500 acres of agricultural land with erosion controls in place and prevent up to 50,000 metric tons of fine sediment per year from entering the Napa River Install 3 stormwater detention structures, and revegetate 5 acres of riparian weeds and control with 2600 native plants along Sonoma Creek Prevent approximately 5,620 cubic feet of sediment from eroding stream banks annually and prevent 21,600 gallons per year of peak runoff from reaching Sonoma Creek Reduce sediment loading from a seasonal tributary to Sonoma Creek and increased capacity among landowners to develop plans needed to obtain grazing waivers Create new, valuable subtidal habitat including native oyster and eelgrass beds. Develop maps and GIS layers depicting erosion/accretion rates of San Pablo Bay Develop a portal for groups to upload their habitat data into BAARI with SFEI reviewing data for quality control |
Restore native oyster and eelgrass beds in San Francisco Bay Ongoing restoration and management for each watershed draining to San Francisco Bay Widespread use of LID to treat polluted stormwater and enhance aquatic ecosystems Increase capacity of Napa County heavy equipment operators to implement best practices when performing maintenance on rural roadways Address Napa River Watershed and Sonoma Creek Watershed Sediment TMDL goals by reducing sediment inputs in the two watersheds from stream bank erosion, rural road erosion, and erosion from peak flows Reduce pathogen loading into Richardson Bay from tributaries |
Full List of Project Summaries