Fremont Tree-Well Filter
EPA awarded a $300,000 grant to install tree well systems to treat stormwater pollutants, including trash, from over 14,000 square feet in an industrial area. The San Francisco Estuary Institute is conducting pollutant reduction monitoring for the project. The city will develop a tree-well filter installation guide to direct future installation of the filters to treat stormwater.
Project Facts
Recipient: San Francisco Estuary Partnership/Association of Bay Area Governments
Funding: EPA = $300,000; Match/leverage = $67,668)
Project Period: February 2009 - December 2014
Partners: Architects for Humanity, San Francisco Estuary Institute
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Pilot two alternate full sized tree well filter designs to both treat stormwater in an industrial area of Fremont and incorporate NPDES trash capture requirements. |
Treat stormwater from over 14,000 ft.² of impervious surface in an industrial area of Fremont. |
Widespread use of LID to treat polluted stormwater and enhance aquatic ecosystems. |
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