India Basin 900 Innes Remediation
The 900 Innes Remediation Project at India Basin will remove an estimated 3,500 cubic yards of contaminated sediment and dilapidated infrastructure to allow for the creation of 0.20-0.30 acres of tidal marsh habitat and will provide the Bayview Hunters Point community with 2.4 acres of open waterfront space with connections to the Bay Trail.
Project Facts
Recipient: San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department
Funding: $1,200,000 (non-federal match = $1,444,065), FFY: 2017
Project Period: October 2017 – October 2021
Partners: Parks 94124, Hunters Point Family, Trust for Public Land, and San Francisco Parks Alliance
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Secure regulatory agency permits Remove contaminated sediment roughly 3,500 cy Remove abandoned dock and marine structures from intertidal areas Create clean sediment cap over remediated areas Prepare QAPP, Progress Reports, and Final Project Report |
Remove the upper two feet of sediment (habitat layer) to reduce concentrations of:
-TPH (oil) by approximately 983 to 144 mg/kg, and reduce maximum concentration from 4,462 to 500 mg/kg Reduce concentration of PAHs in the sediment by approximately 10 to 4 mg/kg Maintain two-feet of clean cover for period of 5 years, as measured by sediment surface elevation |
Improve overall wetlands ecology, increase biodiversity, and support an interconnected habitat Create 0.20 to 0.30 acres of wetlands tidal marsh Create 2.4 acres of publicly accessible waterfront and connect site to the San Francisco Bay Trail to the north and south. Address health, equity and social justice issues in this chronically underserved, low income and at-risk neighborhood. |
Full List of Project Summaries