Napa River Restoration Project: Oakville to Oak Knoll Reach, Group A Sites 21-23
This project will continue implementing high priority sediment reduction measures along the Napa River to reduce fine sediment sources at Sites 21-23 of the Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) reach, one of the most incised reaches of the Napa River. The purpose of the OVOK Restoration Project is to restore and enhance long-term river and floodplain function, improve the quality and resilience of aquatic and terrestrial riparian habitat, and reduce property damage and sediment delivery associated with ongoing bank erosion processes. The existing bank will be set back to provide a stable cross-section to reduce fine sediment loading from bank erosion, resulting in removal of 8.6 acres of vineyard and establishment of a new floodplain area.
The project will include widening the channel, enhancing the floodplain, reducing channel bank erosion, and installing large woody debris structures to improving aquatic habitat through a joint public-private partnership. The project will also support further development of the TMDL Implementation Tracking and Accounting System (ITAS) to help track TMDL progress and implementation of water quality enhancement actions including rapid assessments and methodologies for assessing rural roads, bank erosion and restoration activities.
Project Facts
Recipient: Napa County
Funding: $1,271,350 (Nonfederal match: $1,271,350), FFY: 2013
Project Period: January 2014 – May 2017
Partners: Landowners, Napa County Resource Conservation, Friends of Napa River and the Farm Bureau
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Construct 2 floodplain benches and 0.9 acres of alcove features Install up to 38 in-stream habitat structures along 2,000’ of channel As built drawings of construction per 100% Design & Specifications for restoration on 1-2 properties Complete protocols and data management systems for Bank Erosion and Rural Road Condition rapid assessment methodology (RAM) tools, including detailed user manuals, web based data management platforms and training modules to facilitate implementation Pending construction bids, available funding may also support: Construction of .3 acres of floodplain benches and installation of up to 2 in-stream habitat structures along 3,000 feet of channel |
~1,395 feet of eroding stream banks stabilized and up to 5.2 acres of riparian habitat created Fine sediment delivery reduced by 34,900 yd.³ or 2871 metric tons/year ~1 mile of the Napa River restored ~350’ of eroding stream banks stabilized; fine sediment delivery reduced by ~22,500 yd.³; and up to 5.3 acres of riparian and wetland habitat created (pending construction bids) |
Increase stream habitat complexity, connectivity, and function of 5.2-10.5 acres along the Napa River Restore 9 miles of the Napa River Oakville – Oak Knoll Reach Reduce human induced sources of sediment to the Napa River by 51% by 2029 (Goal: 185,000 metric tons /year) |
Full List of Project Summaries