Quartermaster Reach Restoration Project
This project will restore the area previously covered by hundreds of thousands of square feet of paving, tens of thousands of cubic yards of fill and the former low viaduct of U.S. Highway 101 (Doyle Drive) to creek, dune and brackish marsh adjacent to the existing Crissy Field wetlands, expanding wildlife corridors in a highly urban setting. The area, known as Quartermaster Reach, is located within the Presidio of San Francisco—a national park site—and is part the ambitious Tennessee Hollow ‘springs to bay’ watershed-wide restoration program. Specific project benefits include creating 4.7 acres of wetlands and 3.3 acres of coastal scrub upland, and daylighting a 1,050-foot length of stream channel.
Project Facts
Recipient: Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
Funding: $1,000,000 (non-federal match = $1,000,000/leverage = $16,000,000)
Project Period: September 2012 – August 2016
Partners: Presidio Trust, National Park Service, Caltrans, and Community Volunteers
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Install two 32-foot wide, 5-foot high box culverts and associated headwalls at Mason Street to provide sufficient floodwater and tide-water exchange between the Crissy Field Marsh and the project area to improve passage and habitat conditions for fish and wildlife
Demolish and remove approximately 310,000 square feet of asphalt, concrete and compacted earth Remove approximately 61,500 cubic yards of artificial fill material to expose native soils and the underlying shallow, unconfined water tableRemove a 9,000 square foot building, building pad, and site-wide utilities to accommodate wetland restoration Grow and plant a diverse palette of native plant species, including more than 33,000 individual plants and remove ~30 non-native treesEngage community members in restoration efforts through the Presidio Park Stewards program Build a portion of the Tennessee Hollow Trail/boardwalk to provide for public access and interpretation of the site, while maintaining ecological function and habitat connectivity.Expand and promote the community outreach programs utilizing the watershed, including volunteerism, self-guided walking tours, the “Watershed Quest” program for youth ages 8-12, and the “Watersheds Inspiring Student Education (WISE)” program for high school students |
Daylight an approximately 1,050-foot length of stream channel. Increase and enhance tidal exchange between Crissy Field Marsh and the upstream creek system Provide a contiguous wildlife habitat corridor between the restored Thompson Reach and Crissy Field Marsh/San Francisco BayImprove water quality entering Crissy Field Marsh by redirecting flows currently contained in a storm drain into a newly created wetland. Achieve high volunteer participation in the project, with an annual target of 3,500 hours/year for the first 5 years and 1,000 hours/year for the following 5 years. |
Create approximately 8 new acres of native habitat at the edge of Crissy Field Marsh/San Francisco Bay including 4.7 acres of new wetlands (salt marsh, brackish marsh, dune slack, and other wetland habitats) and 3.3 acres of coastal scrub upland |
Full List of Project Summaries