Rumrill Boulevard: Complete Green Street
This project addresses water quality issues through green infrastructure and community education. More than 11,000 square feet of roadside green infrastructure, such as bioswales, will be installed to collect stormwater runoff and filter it through plant roots and soil. This will decrease flooding, increase infiltration into the groundwater, and reduce the amount of trash and pollutants, such as PCBs and mercury, reaching Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks and San Francisco Bay. The City of San Pablo will also engage with local residents and high school students about local creek conditions and the effects of trash in waterways.
Project Facts
Recipient: City of San Pablo
Funding: $864,634 (non-federal match = $864,634)
Project Period: October 2016 - June 2020
Partners: EarthTeam, Contra Costa County Clean Water Program, the City of Richmond, and community members from the City of San Pablo
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period)
OUTCOMES (Environmental results)
(1-5 yrs) |
(5-20+yrs) |
Perform targeted PCB sampling in the southern Rumrill neighborhood in partnership with City of Richmond and the Contra Costa Clean Water Program Develop a final design and landscape plan Complete environmental review and CEQA for the project Construct the GI facilities and complete streets project in accordance with the plans and specifications Install educational signs along the corridor describing the project and the water quality benefits of GI facilities Provide education sessions and presentations about the project with partners including EarthTeam and the Use the Zero Litter web-based platform to conduct and display results of all litter assessments in the project area (monitoring of up to 10,000 pieces of litter/yr.). A “live” litter density map will be available to monitor litter reduction targets in the Complete Streets area. EarthTeam Student Interns organize 48 on campus litter reduction activities and 24 litter reduction public outreach campaigns EarthTeam Student Interns organize and execute vegetation monitoring Plant 183 trees Reports- Development of QAPP, Quarterly Progress Reports and a Final Project Report with monitoring results |
Treat ~15 acres of impervious surface area with GI Obtain ~0.11 grams/yr of PCB loading reduction from the GI facilities on Rumrill Boulevard Obtain ~15.88 grams/yr of PCB loading reduction from the GI facilities near the source on Sutro Avenue and Rumrill Blvd Obtain ~6.64 grams/yr of Mercury loading reduction from the GI facilities on Rumrill and Sutro Ave. Treat ~2 million gallons of stormwater annually Reduce localized flooding by ~2.5 million gallons annually through improved stormwater infrastructure and increase retention area. |
Use project results to inform implementation of a Green Infrastructure Plan for the City of San Pablo 40% to 80% reduction in other conventional stormwater pollutants such as PAHs and heavy metals Obtain additional 42.36 grams/year load reduction of PCB through the remediation of a PCB source property Obtain additional 11.39 grams/year load reduction of Mercury through the remediation source property Improve waste stream options at partner schools |