San Pablo Avenue Green Stormwater Spine
This project involves seven adjacent East Bay cities working with SFEP and Caltrans to design and install highly visible green infrastructure projects to reduce stormwater pollutants, creating a green stormwater spine along San Pablo Avenue, a state highway. Cumulatively the project will treat over 7 acres of impervious surface runoff using site-specific LID technologies such as bio-swales, rain gardens, and/or permeable pavements. Outreach to local governments via green streets forums and a model ordinance is intended to foster more widespread use of LID designs and promote more implementation of sustainable infrastructure.
Project Facts
Recipient: San Francisco Estuary Partnership/Association of Bay Area Governments
Funding: $307,646 (non-federal match = $397,964/leverage = $1,800,000)
Project Period: September 2011 – August 2015
Partners: Caltrans and the cities of Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond, San Pablo
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Select Project Designer and/or Design/Build Contractor Develop planting plan Complete environmental review for CEQA for each of the seven projects Build the seven cities’ facilities projects in accordance with the plans and specifications Draft, circulate, and promote a draft Green Streets Model Ordinance for Bay Area cities to advance acceptance of low impact stormwater treatment installations such as those implemented under this grant. Draft and circulate an RFP for construction management services for a qualified firm, preferably with low impact development construction experience, to provide on-site construction management to insure that the projects are built in accordance with approved design plans and specifications. |
Treat ~ 7 acres of impervious surface with LID |
40% to 80% reduction in conventional stormwater pollutants, such as metals, PCBs, and PAHs and other heavy metals Adoption of a LID ordinance or policy by at least one municipality Increase in LID in each of the participating cities along San Pablo Ave. |