South Bay Salt Pond Tidal Wetland Restoration Phase II Planning
This project funded completion of the planning and environmental documentation required for the construction of Phase II restoration projects. When Phase II projects are complete at the Ravenswood and Alviso complexes, an additional 1005 acres of tidal marsh and 60 acres of managed ponds will be restored. Phase II restoration projects include climate change adaptation features, such as large transition zones, elevation heterogeneity and plans for inland marsh transgression. Funding of these activities will keep the Conservancy’s schedule of beginning Phase II construction projects in 2016.
Project Facts
Funding: $866,021, (non-federal match = $866,021)
Schedule: January 2014 – December 2016
Recipient: California State Coastal Conservancy
Partners: US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Geological Survey, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, Alameda County Public Works Agency, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, and local cities
OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period) |
OUTCOMES (Environmental results) |
Complete geotechnical studies to support tidal marsh restoration and new levee construction Complete permit applications for Phase 2 South Bay Salt Pond restoration projects on US Fish and Wildlife Service property and 30% design for 4 distinct Phase II restoration projects |
Plan and design for restoration of 1,005 acres of restored tidal baylands (710 acres in Alviso and 295 acres in Ravenswood) Hydrologic enhancement of an additional 325 acres of previously restored tidal baylands (Charleston Slough and Pond A19 in Alviso), and 60 acres of enhanced managed pond habitat (Ponds R5 and S5 in Ravenswood) |
Restore 15,000 acres of tidal marsh |
Full List of Project Summaries