Tribal Water Projects
EPA's Tribal Water Program provides assistance and funding to tribes throughout the watershed. Grant awards are used by the tribes to provide access to basic sanitation and to restore and protect tribal watersheds.
Big Valley Rancheria
The banks of Clear Lake are being restored through the removal of solid waste, invasive non-native species and algae blooms resulting from high nutrients introduced from surrounding nonpoint sources.
EPA Funding: $30,000
Project Dates: Ongoing
Watershed Partner: Tribal Environmental Department
Visit the Big Valley Rancheria website. Exit
Cold Springs Rancheria
Seven existing homes will have a community wastewater collection and treatment system installed. These homes are currently served by individual septic tank and drainfield systems that have failed due to soil properties and poor soil loading rates.
EPA Funding: $359,900
Project Dates: 2001-2009
Watershed Partner: California Area Indian Health Service
Redding Rancheria
Project 1:
Three existing homes will be improved with new septic tank and drainfield systems. The existing on-site wastewater disposal systems have failed and thus are creating surface effluent conditions, which impacts the health of residents in the immediate community.
EPA Funding: $13,000
Project Dates: 2007-2010
Watershed Partner: California Area Indian Health Service
Project 2:
Thirteen homes will have service connections installed. These homes are currently served by failing septic systems, some of which are not connected to the community leach field. The homes will be connected to the sewer system provided by the City of Redding.
EPA Funding: $180,070
Project Dates: 2008-2015
Watershed Partner: California Area Indian Health Service
Project 3:
The watershed will be improved utilizing environmentally sensitive streambank stabilization measures to regrade gullies and install geotextiles, rock vanes, live pole drains and drain rock drains for the purposes of erosion control.
EPA Funding: $30,000
Project Dates: 2011-2012
Watershed Partners: Tribal Environmental Dept., Shasta College, Sacramento Watershed Action Group
Visit the Redding Rancheria website. Exit
Robinson Rancheria
Project 1:
This project implemented road decommissioning, gully repair construction and trail creation to minimize gully erosion during severe weather events.
EPA Funding: $124,378
Project Dates: 2009-2011
Watershed Partner: Tribal Environmental Department
Project 2:
Robinson Pond was restored by removing invasive non-native plant species, replanting with native plants and improving the drainage of the pond.
EPA Funding: $147,994
Project Dates: 2008-2010
Watershed Partner: Tribal Environmental Department
Visit the Robinson Rancheria website. Exit
Table Mountain Rancheria
The Tribe has implemented a pond restoration project to prevent erosion from adding sediment loads into their Tribal pond and the watershed. Recently, the Tribe hydroseeded the banks of the pond with a seed mixture that were gathered by the Environmental Department in the immediate area.
EPA Funding: $30,000
Project Dates: 2011-2012
Watershed Partner: Tribal Environmental and Public Utilities Department
Tule River Reservation
A community wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system was installed to serve 183 homes. These homes are currently served by individual septic tank and drainfield systems, which have either failed or are in the process of failing.
EPA Funding: $1,534,600
Project Dates: 2007-2014
Watershed Partner: California Area Indian Health Service
Visit the Tule River Reservation website.Exit
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians
A wastewater feasibility study will be conducted of the Tribe's wastewater infrastructure and needs. A subsequent amendment to the project allowed the Tribe to replace two failing septic tank and drainfield systems with two tanks and a community leachfield. Two homes will be served as a result of the amendment.
EPA Funding: $85,500
Project Dates: 2008-2013
Visit the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians website.Exit