EPA Approved Regulations in the Delaware SIP
§52.420 Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for Delaware under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed in in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 2016, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates after July 1, 2016 for the State of Delaware have been approved by EPA for the inclusion in the SIP and for incorporation by reference into the plan as it is contained in this section, and will be considered by the Director of the Federal Register for approval in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region III certifies that the materials provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1). No additional revisions were made to paragraph (d) between the last incorporation by reference date of July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2016.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference into the state implementation plan may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. To obtain the material, please call the Regional Office at (215) 814-2036. You may also inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 2016 for the State of Delaware at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
(c) EPA-Approved Regulations and Statutes in the Delaware SIP
State regulation (7 DNREC 1100) |
Title/subject | State effective date |
EPA approval date | Additional explanation |
1101 Definitions and Administrative Principles | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Revised format for all definitions which EPA has previously approved as part of the SIP. |
Definitions | 9/10/09 |
5/31/19, 84 FR 25183 |
Updated definition of Volatile Organic Compound. Previous approval 8/11/2010. |
Definitions | 12/11/16 | 12/12/19, 84 FR 67873 | Updated definition of volatile organic compound. Previous approval 5/31/2019. |
Section 3.0 | Administrative Principles | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Abbreviations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1102 Permits | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Application/Registration Prepared by Interested Party | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Cancellation of Construction Permits | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Action on Applications | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Denial, Suspension or Revocation of Operating Permits | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Transfer of Permit/Registration Prohibited | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Availability of Permit/Registration | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 9.0 | Registration Submittal | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 10.0 | Source Category Permit Application | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 11.0 | Permit Application | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 12.0 | Public Participation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 13.0 | Department Records | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix A | [List of Permits Exemptions] | 1/11/06 9/11/08 |
12/4/12, 77 FR 71700 | Addition of paragraphs 32.0 and 33.0 (formerly gg. and hh. respectively). |
1103 Ambient Air Quality Standards | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections |
Section 2.0 | General Restrictions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Suspended Particulates | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Sulfur Dioxide | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections |
Section 5.0 | Carbon Monoxide | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Ozone | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections |
Section 8.0 | Nitrogen Dioxide | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections. |
Section 10.0 | Lead | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections. |
Section 11.0 | PM10 and PM2.5 Particulates | 01/11/14 | 06/17/14, 79 FR 34441 | Revised sections |
1104 Particulate Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Emission Limits | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1105 Particulate Emissions from Industrial Process Operations | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | General Restrictions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Restrictions on Hot Mix Asphalt Batching Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Restrictions on Secondary Metal Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Restrictions on Petroleum Refining Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Restrictions on Prill Tower Operation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Control of Potentially Hazardous Particulate Matter | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1106 Particulate Emissions from Construction and Materials Handling | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Demolition | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Grading, Land Clearing, Excavation and Use of Non-Paved Roads | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Material Movement | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Sandblasting | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Material Storage | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1107 Particulate Emissions from Incineration of Noninfectious Waste | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2 | Restrictions | 12/8/83 | 10/3/84 49 FR 39061 | Provisions were revised 10/13/89 by State, but not submitted to EPA as SIP revisions. |
1108 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Limit on Sulfur Content of Fuel | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Emissions Control in Lieu of Sulfur Content Limits of 2.0 of this Regulation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1109 Emissions of Sulfur Compounds from Industrial Operations | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Restrictions on Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Section 2.2 (State effective date: 9/26/1980) is Federally enforceable as a Section 111(d) plan and codified at 40 CFR 62.1875. |
Section 3.0 | Restriction on Sulfur Recovery Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Stack Height Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1110 Control of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions—Kent and Sussex Counties | ||||
Section 1.0 | Requirements for Existing Sources of Sulfur Dioxide | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Requirements for New Sources of Sulfur Dioxide | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1111 Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Industrial Process Operations—New Castle County | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Restrictions on Petroleum Refining Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1112 Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions | ||||
Section 1.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Standards | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Exemptions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Alternative and Equivalent RACT Determination | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | RACT Proposals | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Compliance, Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1113 Open Burning | ||||
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 4/11/07 | 9/20/07 72 FR 53686 | |
Section 2.0 | Applicability | 4/11/07 | 9/20/07 72 FR 53686 | |
Section 3.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Prohibitions and Related Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Season and Time Restrictions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Allowable Open Burning | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Exemptions | 4/11/07 | 9/20/07 72 FR 53686 | |
1114 Visible Emissions | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/2/19, 84 FR 37772 |
Remove the phrase, ‘‘except electric arc furnaces and their associated dust-handling equipment as set forth in 2.2 of this regulation.’’ |
Section 2.0 | Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/2/19, 84 FR 37772 | Remove the requirement of 2.2, which reads ‘‘2.2 The requirements of 2.1 of this regulation shall not apply to electric arc furnaces, and their associated dust-handling equipment, with a capacity of more than 100 tons which are governed by 7 DE Admin. Code 1123.’’ |
Section 3.0 | Alternate Opacity Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Compliance with Opacity Standards | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1115 Air Pollution Alert and Emergency Plan | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Stages and Criteria | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Required Actions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Standby Plans | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1116 Sources Having an Interstate Air Pollution Potential | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Limitations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1117 Source Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting | ||||
Section 1.0 | Definitions and Administrative Principles | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Sampling and Monitoring | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Minimum Emission Monitoring Requirements for Existing Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/2/19, 84 FR 37772 | Revise 3.2 so that it reads, ‘‘3.2 Fuel Burning Equipment— Fuel burning equipment except as provided in 3.2 through 3.4 of this regulation . . .’’ And remove 3.5, ‘‘Electric arc furnaces—See 7 DE Admin. Code 1123.’’ |
Section 4.0 | Performance Specifications | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Minimum Data Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Data Reduction | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Emission Statement | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1124 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 4/11/10 | 9/25/12, 77 FR 58953 | Amended to add definitions. |
Section 3.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Coating Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Non-Coating Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | General Recordkeeping | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Circumvention | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12, 77 FR 22224 | |
Section 9.0 | Compliance, Permits, Enforceability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 10.0 | Aerospace Coatings | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 11.0 | Mobile Equipment Repair and Refinishing | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 12.0 | Surface Coating of Plastic Parts | 10/11/11 | 9/25/12, 77 FR 58953 | |
Section 13.0 | Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Coating Operations | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12, 77 FR 22224 | |
Section 14.0 | Can Coating | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 15.0 | Coil Coating | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 16.0 | Paper Coating | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12, 77 FR 22224 | Amended to add “film and foil coating” to the regulated category. |
Section 17.0 | Fabric Coating | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 18.0 | Vinyl Coating | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 19.0 | Coating of Metal Furniture | 10/11/11 | 9/25/12, 77 FR 58953 | |
Section 20.0 | Coating of Large Appliances | 10/11/11 | 9/25/12, 77 FR 58953 | |
Section 21.0 | Coating of Magnet Wire | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 22.0 | Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts | 10/11/11 | 9/25/12, 77 FR 58953 | |
Section 23.0 | Coating of Flat Wood Panelling | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12, 77 FR 22224 | |
Section 24.0 | Bulk Gasoline Plants | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 25.0 | Bulk Gasoline Terminals | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 26.0 | Gasoline Dispensing Facility—Stage I Vapor Recovery | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 27.0 | Gasoline Tank Trucks | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 28.0 | Petroleum Refinery Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 29.0 | Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 30.0 | Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 31.0 | Petroleum Liquid Storage in Fixed Roof Tanks | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 32.0 | Leaks from Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing Equipment | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 33.0 | Solvent Metal Cleaning and Drying | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 34.0 | Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 35.0 | Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 36.0 | Stage II Vapor Recovery | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 37.0 | Graphic Arts Systems | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12 77 FR 22224 | Amended to add “flexible packaging printing” to the regulated category. |
Section 38.0 | Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 40.0 | Leaks from Synthetic Organic Chemical, Polymer, and Resin Manufacturing Equipment | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 41.0 | Manufacture of High-Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Polystyrene Resins | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 42.0 | Air Oxidation Processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 43.0 | Bulk Gasoline Marine Tank Vessel Loading Facilities | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 44.0 | Batch Processing Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 45.0 | Industrial Cleaning Solvents | 3/11/11 | 4/13/12, 77 FR 22224 | |
Section 46.0 | Crude Oil Lightering Operations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 47.0 | Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing | 4/11/11 | 11/25/11, 76 FR 72626 | Amendments to Sections 47.1 through 47.6 to include control requirements for letterpress printing. |
Section 48.0 | Reactor Processes and Distillation Operations in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 49.0 | Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 50.0 | Other Facilities that Emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | The SIP effective date for former Sections 50(a)(5) and 50(b)(3) is 5/1/98. |
Appendix A | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix B | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Determining the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Coatings and Inks | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix C | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Alternative Compliance Methods for Surface Coating | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix D | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Emission Capture and Destruction or Removal Efficiency and Monitoring Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix E | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Determining the Destruction or Removal Efficiency of a Control Device | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix F | Test Methods and Compliance Procedures: Leak Detection Methods for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix G | Performance Specifications for Continuous Emissions Monitoring of Total Hydrocarbons | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix H | Quality Control Procedures for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix I | Method to Determine Length of Rolling Period for Liquid/Liquid Material Balance | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix K | Emission Estimation Methodologies | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix L | Method to Determine Total Organic Carbon for Offset Lithographic Solutions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix M | Test Method for Determining the Performance of Alternative Cleaning Fluids | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1125 Requirements for Preconstruction Review | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 8/11/12 | 2/28/13, 78 FR 13496 | Added definitions of “GHG” and “Subject to Regulation” under Section 1.9. Note: In section 1.9, the previous SIP-approved baseline dates for sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and nitrogen dioxide in the definition of “Baseline Date” remain part of the SIP. |
Section 2.0 | Emission Offset Provisions (EOP) including sections 1.0 through 3.16.4 | 2/11/12 | 10/2/12, 77 FR 60053 | Added Section 2.2.5, and 2.5.7. |
Sections 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 | 9/11/13 | 10/20/16, 81 FR 72529 | Disapproval. See 40 CFR 52.433(a). | |
Section 3.0 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality | 1/11/20 | 5/1/20, 85 FR 25307 |
Docket #: 2019–0663. Revised 3.10.1 and 3.10.2. Note: Previous Section 3.0 approval October 2, 2012. |
1126 Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program | ||||
Section 1.0 | Applicability and General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Regulation 1126 provisions apply to Sussex County only, effective November 1, 1999. |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Registration Requirement | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Exemptions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Enforcement | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Compliance, Waivers, Extensions of Time | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Inspection Facility Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Certification of Motor Vehicle Officers | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 9.0 | Calibration and Test Procedures and Approved Equipment | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Technical Memorandum 1 | Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Test | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Technical Memorandum 2 | (Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Emission Limit Determination) | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1127 Stack Heights | ||||
Section 1.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions Specific to this Regulation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Requirements for Existing and New Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Public Notification | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Regulation No. 31 Low Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program | ||||
Section 1 | Applicability | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 2 | Low Enhanced I/M Performance Standard | 10/11/01 | 1/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 3 | Network Type and Program Evaluation | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 4 | Test Frequency and Convenience | 6/11/99 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Section 5 | Vehicle Coverage | 10/11/01 | 1/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 6 | Test Procedures and Standards | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 7 | Waivers and Compliance via Diagnostic Inspection | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 8 | Motorist Compliance Enforcement | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 9 | Enforcement Against Operators and Motor Vehicle Technicians | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Section 10 | Improving Repair Effectiveness | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Section 11 | Compliance with Recall Notices | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Section 12 | On-Road Testing | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Section 13 | Implementation Deadlines | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Appendix 1(d) | Commitment to Extend the I/M Program to the Attainment Date From Secretary Tulou to EPA Administrator W. Michael McCabe | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 3(a)(7) | Exhaust Emission Limits According to Model Year | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 3(c)(2) | VMASTM Test Procedure | 6/11/99 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 4(a) | Sections from Delaware Criminal and Traffic Law Manual | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 5(a) | Division of Motor Vehicles Policy on Out of State Renewals | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 5(f) | New Model Year Clean Screen | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Appendix 6(a) | Idle Test Procedure | 10/11/01 | 1/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Appendix 6(a)(5) | Vehicle Emission Repair Report Form | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 6(a)(8) | Evaporative System Integrity (Pressure) Test | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Appendix 6(a)(9) | On-board Diagnostic Test Procedure OBD II Test Procedure | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
Appendix 7(a) | Emission Repair Technician Certification Process | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 8(a) | Registration Denial System Requirements Definition | 8/13/98 | 9/30/99 64 FR 52657 | |
Appendix 9(a) | Enforcement Against Operators and Inspectors | 10/11/01 | 11/27/03 68 FR 66343 | |
1132 Transportation Conformity | ||||
Introductory Paragraph | [No Title] | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Replaces the Prologue. |
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 11/11/07 | 4/22/08 73 FR 21538 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Consultation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Written Commitments For Control and Mitigation Measures | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1135 Conformity of General Federal Actions to the State Implementation Plans | ||||
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Conformity Analysis | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Reporting Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Public Participation and Consultation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Frequency of Conformity Determinations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Criteria for Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 9.0 | Procedures for Conformity Determinations of General Federal Actions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 10.0 | Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 11.0 | Savings Provision | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Regulation No. 37 NOX Budget Program | ||||
Section 1 | General Provisions | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 2 | Applicability | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 3 | Definitions | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 4 | Allowance Allocation | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 5 | Permits | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 6 | Establishment of Compliance Accounts | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 7 | Establishment of General Accounts | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 8 | Opt In Provisions | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 9 | New Budget Source Provisions | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 10 | NOX Allowance Tracking System (NATS) | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 11 | Allowance Transfer | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 12 | Allowance Banking | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 13 | Emission Monitoring | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 14 | Recordkeeping | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 15 | Emissions Reporting | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 16 | End-of Season Reconciliation | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 17 | Compliance Certification | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 18 | Failure to Meet Compliance Requirements | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 19 | Program Audit | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Section 20 | Program Fees | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00 65 FR 12481 | |
Appendix “A” | NOX Budget Program | 12/11/99 | 3/9/00, 65 FR 12481 | |
1139 Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Budget Trading Program | ||||
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Emission Limitation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | General Provisions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | NOX Authorized Account Representative for NOX Budget Sources | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Permits | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Monitoring and Reporting | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 9.0 | NATS | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 10.0 | NOX Allowance Transfers | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 11.0 | Compliance Certification | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 12.0 | End-of-Season Reconciliation | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 13.0 | Failure to Meet Compliance Requirements | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 14.0 | Individual Unit Opt-Ins | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 15.0 | General Accounts | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix A | Allowance Allocations to NOX Budget Units under and of 7 DE Admin Code 1139 | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Appendix B | 7 DE Admin Code 1137-7 DE Admin Code 1139 Program Transition | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1140 Delaware Low Emission Vehicle Program | ||||
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 2.0 | Applicability | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 3.0 | Definitions | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 4.0 | Emission Certification Standards | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 5.0 | New Vehicle Emission Requirements | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 6.0 | Manufacturer Fleet Requirements | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 7.0 | Warranty | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 8.0 | Reporting and Record-Keeping Requirements | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 9.0 | Enforcement | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 10.0 | Incorporation by Reference | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 11.0 | Document Availability | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
Section 12.0 | Severability | 12/11/13 | 10/14/15, 80 FR 61752 | |
1141 Limiting Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Consumer and Commercial Products | ||||
Section 1.0 | Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Consumer Products | 4/11/09 | 10/20/10, 75 FR 64673 | |
Section 3.0 | Portable Fuel Containers | 4/11/10 | 12/14/10, 75 FR 77758 | |
Section 4.0 | Adhesives & Sealants | 4/11/09 | 12/22/11, 76 FR 79537 | Addition of VOC limits for adhesive and sealant products, including 25 adhesives, 4 adhesive primers, 5 sealants, and 3 sealant primers. |
1142 Specific Emission Control Requirements | ||||
Section 1.0 | Control of NOX Emissions from Industrial Boilers | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Control of NOX Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries | 4/11/11 | 5/15/12, 77 FR 28489 | Addition of a NOX emissions cap compliance alternative for the Delaware City Refinery. |
1144 Control of Stationary Generator Emissions | ||||
Section 1.0 | General | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Emissions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Operating Requirements | 1/11/06 | 4/29/08 73 FR 23101 | |
Section 5.0 | Fuel Requirements | 1/11/06 | 4/29/08 73 FR 23101 | |
Section 6.0 | Record Keeping and Reporting | 1/11/06 | 4/29/08 73 FR 23101 | |
Section 7.0 | Emissions Certification, Compliance, and Enforcement | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 8.0 | Credit for Concurrent Emissions Reductions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 9.0 | DVFA Member Companies | 1/11/06 | 4/29/08 73 FR 23101 | |
Regulation 1145 Excessive Idling of Heavy Duty Vehicles | ||||
Section 1.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 2.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Severability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | Operational Requirements for Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Exemptions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Enforcement and Penalty | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
1146 Electric Generating Unit (EGU) Multi-Pollutant Regulation | ||||
Section 1.0 | Preamble | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Section 2.0 | Applicability | 12/11/06 | 8/28/08 73 FR 50723 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Section 3.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Section 4.0 | NOX Emissions Limitations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | SO2 Emissions Limitations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 7.0 | Recordkeeping and Reporting | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Section 8.0 | Compliance Plan | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Section 9.0 | Penalties | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | Except for provisions pertaining to mercury emissions. |
Table 4-1 (Formerly Table I) | Annual NOX Mass Emissions Limits | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Table 5-1 (Formerly Table II) | Annual SO2 Mass Emissions Limits | 9/11/08 10/19/09 |
3/16/10 75 FR 12449 | Modified emissions limit for Conectiv Edge Moor Unit 5. |
1148 Control of Stationary Combustion Turbine Electric Generating Unit Emissions | ||||
Section 1.0 | Purpose | 7/11/07 | 11/10/08 73 FR 66554 | |
Section 2.0 | Applicability | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 3.0 | Definitions | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 4.0 | NOX Emissions Limitations | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 5.0 | Monitoring and Reporting | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Section 6.0 | Recordkeeping | 7/11/07 | 11/10/08 73 FR 66554 | |
Section 7.0 | Penalties | 9/11/08 | 8/11/10, 75 FR 48566 | |
Chapter 58 Laws Regulating the Conduct of Officers and Employees of the State | ||||
Subpart I State Employees', Officers' and Officials' Code of Conduct | ||||
Section 5804 | Definitions | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | |
Section 5805 | Prohibitions relating to conflicts of interest | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), (h). |
Section 5806 | Code of conduct | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | Paragraphs (c) and (d). |
Subpart II Financial disclosure | ||||
Section 5812 | Definitions | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | |
Section 5813 | Report disclosing financial information | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d). |
Section 5813A | Report disclosing council and board membership | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | Paragraphs (a), and (b). |
Section 5815 | Violations; penalties; jurisdiction of Superior Court | 12/4/12 | 4/17/13, 78 FR 22785 | Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d). |
[63 FR 67410, Dec. 7, 1998]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting §52.420, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.