Examples of Smart Growth Communities and Projects
Learn about how some communities are implementing smart growth strategies:
Community Stories (link opens in a new window or tab): Story map showing how EPA has worked with local leaders to help them realize their vision for their communities in Little Rock, AR; Fresno, CA; Iowa City, IA; State of Vermont; and Williamson, WV.
Local Foods, Local Places: Case studies of communities using local foods to protect the environment, improve access to healthy food, revitalize neighborhoods, and boost local economic opportunities.
Cool & Connected: Case studies of communities using broadband to revitalize main streets, create economic opportunities, and protect the environment.
National Award for Smart Growth Achievement: EPA award recognizing communities that use smart growth principles to create better places.
Smart Growth Illustrated: Shows how places around the country have used smart growth strategies.
This Is Smart Growth: Shows how smart growth looks in rural places, suburbs, and cities around the country.
Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities: Includes examples of smart growth development and strategies along waterfronts and coasts.
Turning Bases Into Great Places: Examples of former military bases that have been turned into walkable, mixed-use communities.
Atlantic Station (Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project): Redevelopment project that used smart growth measures to help reduce its air pollution and gain other environmental benefits.