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Smart Growth

Examples of Smart Growth Communities and Projects

Screenshot of map from Community Stories story map

Learn about how some communities are implementing smart growth strategies:

Community Stories (link opens in a new window or tab): Story map showing how EPA has worked with local leaders to help them realize their vision for their communities in Little Rock, AR; Fresno, CA; Iowa City, IA; State of Vermont; and Williamson, WV.

People walking in downtown Walterboro, South CarolinaLocal Foods, Local PlacesCase studies of communities using local foods to protect the environment, improve access to healthy food, revitalize neighborhoods, and boost local economic opportunities.

Cool & Connected: Case studies of communities using broadband to revitalize main streets, create economic opportunities, and protect the environment. 

Fourth Ward Park, Atlanta, GANational Award for Smart Growth Achievement: EPA award recognizing communities that use smart growth principles to create better places.

Smart Growth Illustrated: Shows how places around the country have used smart growth strategies.

Cover of This Is Smart GrowthThis Is Smart Growth: Shows how smart growth looks in rural places, suburbs, and cities around the country.

Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities: Includes examples of smart growth development and strategies along waterfronts and coasts.

Turning Bases Into Great Places: Examples of former military bases that have been turned into walkable, mixed-use communities.

Atlantic Station (Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project): Redevelopment project that used smart growth measures to help reduce its air pollution and gain other environmental benefits.