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Smart Growth

Healthy Places for Healthy People 2017-2018 Application

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The application period for this round of planning assistance from Healthy Places for Healthy People closed on October 25, 2017. The information here is for reference only.


Healthy Places for Healthy People engages with community leaders and health care partners to create walkable, healthy, economically vibrant downtowns and neighborhoods that can improve health, protect the environment, and support economic growth. These partners include community health centers (including Federally Qualified Health Centers), nonprofit hospitals, and other health care facilities.

Healthy Places for Healthy People will provide selected communities with planning assistance that centers around a two-day community workshop. At the workshop, a team of experts will help community members develop an implementable action plan that will focus on health as an economic driver and catalyst for downtown and neighborhood revitalization. This assistance is not a grant, and the program does not provide money directly to communities.

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Eligibility and Special Considerations

  • Eligible applicants include local government representatives, health care facilities, local health departments, neighborhood associations, main street districts, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and others proposing to work in a neighborhood, town, or city located anywhere in the United States.
  • Applications that are submitted jointly by a representative from the community (local government or nongovernmental organization) and from a health care facility will receive special consideration.
  • Applications that demonstrate existing or new partnerships among multi-sector partners and a health care facility to promote community revitalization and economic development will be given special consideration.
  • Special consideration will be given to communities that are economically distressed and/or underserved.

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How to Apply

Download and complete the fillable PDF form at the bottom of this page. You must use the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software Exit to save the fillable form. Please do not complete the application form in your web browser. Save the form using the file name: City State PointOfContact’sLastName Application. For example: Washington DC Smith Application

Letters of support are not required in order to be selected for the Healthy Places for Healthy People Program. However, some applicants might wish to strengthen their application by having partner organizations or elected officials submit letters verifying statements in the application or pledging to support the process and implementation of the resulting action plan. All letters of support must be emailed with the application form by the application due date. Please send all letters of support in a single file (separate from the application form) using the file name: City State PointOfContact’sLastName LOS. For example: Washington DC Smith LOS

Do not include any additional materials (e.g., city master plan, market strategies, event flyers, resumes, etc.).

Your application should give us a clear sense of how this assistance would help you and your partners revitalize your downtown through health-related initiatives that take advantage of health care facilities in your community. In your application, you should answer these questions:

  • What is the project’s geographic scope (e.g., neighborhood, citywide)? What is the area’s demographic makeup and economic condition?
  • What challenges does your community face around downtown or neighborhood revitalization?
  • What health-related challenges does your community face?
  • How do you propose to leverage health care facilities as an economic anchor and catalyst for downtown or neighborhood revitalization?
  • How would a community workshop through Healthy Places for Healthy People help you achieve your goals?
  • What will be the environmental benefits of achieving your goals?
  • What role will community representatives (governmental or nongovernmental) and health care facility(ies) play in this technical assistance project and in implementing the action plan that results?
  • What other partners will be involved in creating and implementing your action plan, such as other health-oriented organizations, community organizations, public agencies and institutions, local development districts or regional development organizations, community colleges or universities, nongovernmental organizations, foundations, and businesses? How will elected officials support this effort?
  • What assurances can you make that you will implement the action plan that our technical assistance team will help you develop?

Email the completed application and optional letter(s) of support file to by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 25, 2017.

We will contact all selected and non-selected communities upon completion of the review process in early 2018. Workshops in selected communities will most likely be scheduled between spring and early fall 2018.

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If you have questions about the Healthy Places for Healthy People Program or the application process, please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Healthy Places for Healthy People. If your question is not answered there, please email

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