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Smart Growth

Strategies for Sustainable Communities

A Guidebook Based on California Community Types

Strategies for Sustainable Communities publication coverSeveral strategies and related tools exist to address economic, environmental, social equity, and fiscal sustainability, but which strategies are the most effective for particular communities? Strategies for Sustainable Communities: A Guidebook Based on California Community Types (PDF) (57 pp, 942 K, About PDFExit (2010) presents a framework for identifying strategies, tools, and resources organized around 10 defined community types that reflect the diversity of California communities and the challenges they face. 

This guidebook was developed through a Smart Growth Implementation Assistance project with the California Strategic Growth Council. The state asked for assistance to create a framework to help local governments determine which combination of greenhouse gas reduction strategies, smart growth practices, and sustainability policies are best for their type of community.

The guidebook offers potential strategies, indicators to track progress, and resources for 10 community types ranging from major cities to rural communities. Communities of all sizes around the country can find helpful resources under their community type, and states could use the framework as a model for a similar tool that fits their context and needs.

Learn more about smart growth and climate change.