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Conformity Adequacy Review: Region 7

State Implementation Plans (SIP) Submissions that EPA has Found Adequate or Inadequate
Region 7: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,and Nebraska

For more information about adequacy review, return to the main adequacy page.

ContactSteven Brown, U.S. EPA Region 7, 901 N. Fifth St., Kansas City, KS 66101; at 913-551-7718, fax: 913-551-9186 or


Area Pollutant SIP Submission Finding (date budgets apply) Additional Information/ Comments
St. Louis

2008 8-hour ozone

Maintenance plan

FR notice (PDF)(2 pp, 208 K, About PDF)
Effective 6/22/2018
Published 6-8-2018
Adequate Letter

Budgets found adequate through the adequacy review process

1997 8-hour ozone

Maintenance plan   The budgets were originally posted for adequacy review on November 17, 2011. Missouri submitted a revised maintenance plan in 2016 for the 1997 ozone NAAQS prior to the completion of this adequacy posting; therefore, we are not finalizing a decision on the adequacy of the motor vehicle emissions budgets in the initial maintenance plan submittal from 2011.
early progress plan Adequate (3/19/2014)
FR Notice
Budgets found adequate through the adequacy review process
attainment demonstration and reasonable further progress plans Withdrawn (6/21/2011)  
1997 pm2.5 maintenance plan  

The budgets were originally posted for adequacy review on November 17, 2011.  Missouri submitted a revised maintenance plan for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS prior to the completion of this adequacy posting; therefore, we are not finalizing a decision on the adequacy of the motor vehicle emissions budgets in the initial maintenance plan submittal from 2011.

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