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Inorganic Arsenic Emissions from Primary Copper Smelters: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

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Rule Summary

On August 4, 1986, the EPA promulgated national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP), specifically inorganic arsenic emissions, from a number of source categories, including Primary Copper Smelters, glass manufacturing plants, and arsenic plants. The standards for Primary Copper Smelters include design, equipment, work practice, and operational requirements to limit arsenic emissions, and the rule includes emissions limits for particulate matter from certain process units.

Rule History

08/04/1986 - Final rule.

07/20/1983 - Proposed rule and notice of public hearing.

03/20/1984 - Notice of reopening of public comment period and request for comments.

12/16/1983 - Reopening of public comment period.

07/20/1983 - Proposed rule and announcement of public hearing.

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