The EPA logo is the primary logo for internal and external communication.
- The EPA Logo Usage document provides guidance on correct usage of the EPA logo.
- The Anchor Elements section of the EPA Communications Stylebook includes a list of elements that must be displayed on the covers of all documents distributed to the public.
- The Logo Touchpoints document below includes visual examples of where to put the EPA logo in different communications projects.
- The Logo Classifications document below provides samples of publications with the EPA logo as the sole identifier, and EPA program and partnership logos.
- EPA Stylebook: EPA Logo Usage (PDF)(4 pp, 160 K)
- EPA Stylebook: Anchor Elements (PDF)(1 pg, 313 K)
- EPA Stylebook: Logo Touchpoints (PDF)(4 pp, 358 K)
- EPA Stylebook: Logo Classifications (PDF)(4 pp, 206 K)