Find the Redevelopment Tool that Works for You
EPA has hundreds of tools that promote Superfund reuse. Some are site-specific. Others focus on specific topics or reuse audiences. Click the links below to find tools related to your interests. Currently, a subset of tools applicable to each category is included in this list. Tools of interest in one category may also be of interest in another. EPA will add additional tools and case studies moving forward.
On this page:
- I am a developer, prospective purchaser or site owner
- I am a local government or community member interested in reuse
- I am interested in industrial and/or commercial use
- I am interested in recreational use
- I am interested in ecological use
- I am interested in agricultural use
- I am interested in residential use
- I am interested in public service use
- I am interested in alternative energy use
I am a developer, prospective purchaser or site owner
Successful Superfund Redevelopment projects around the country show how to overcome reuse-related barriers and challenges. EPA is committed to working with all stakeholders to return sites to beneficial use.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Getting Started with Superfund Redevelopment (PDF)(1 pg, 380 K, About PDF) | This tool highlights key issues and considerations to think about while planning and moving forward with site redevelopment. |
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site | This document answers many of prospective purchasers’ most common questions when considering property acquisitions at Superfund sites. |
Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Process (PDF)(4 pp, 802 K) | Several EPA Regions offer a Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Process. This free information service is available to prospective purchasers, sellers, lessees and other stakeholders involved in the redevelopment of a current or former Superfund site. Contact your Regional Redevelopment Coordinator to learn more about the availability of this service for a site of interest. |
Superfund Redevelopment Using Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives (PDF)(2 pp, 1.8 MB) | This fact sheet provides information on using Opportunity Zone tax incentives for Superfund site redevelopment. Opportunity Zones are a powerful way to encourage revitalization in economically distressed communities. Redevelopment of current or former Superfund sites may qualify for Opportunity Zone tax benefits. |
Revitalization Handbook – Revitalizing Contaminated Lands: Addressing Liability Concerns | The Revitalization Handbook discusses potential liability concerns associated with cleanup and reuse of Superfund sites and shares tools to address them. |
Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determination Guidance Fact Sheet (PDF)(2pp, 62K) | An EPA Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determination provides a technical determination that a site is “ready for reuse” and will remain protective of human health and the environment for that use, so long as any use limitations established by EPA continue to be met. |
EPA’s Redevelopment Opportunities web page provides developers, prospective purchasers and other parties interested in Superfund Redevelopment with lists of sites that are ready for reuse. Ready for Reuse fact sheets are available for some of these sites. These fact sheets detail when and how a site is (or will be) ready for reuse. | |
Superfund Redevelopment Technical Assistance Services Fact Sheet (PDF)(4 pp, 4.3 MB) | This fact sheet describes EPA’s technical assistance services that are available to support the productive reuse and redevelopment of Superfund sites. |
I am a local government or community member interested in reuse
Local governments, community members and other stakeholders directly impacted by sites are key players when thinking about Superfund Redevelopment and returning sites to beneficial use.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Superfund Redevelopment Using Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives (PDF)(2 pp, 1.8 MB) | This fact sheet provides information on using Opportunity Zone tax incentives for Superfund site redevelopment. Opportunity Zones are a powerful way to encourage revitalization in economically distressed communities. Redevelopment of current or former Superfund sites may qualify for Opportunity Zone tax benefits. |
PREPARED Workbook for Brownfields and Land Revitalization in New England | The Process for Risk Evaluation, Property Analysis and Reuse Decisions (PREPARED) Workbook, provides tools and information for local governments considering the reuse of contaminated properties. |
Superfund Redevelopment and Community Revitalization, Redevelopment Planning: Four Keys to Success (PDF)(4 pp, 3 MB) | The Superfund Site Reuse & Land Revitalization Reuse Planning: Four Keys to Success fact sheet describes four activities needed to undertake successful reuse planning at Superfund sites. |
Promoting Redevelopment and Revitalization (PDF)(2 pp, 222 K) | This fact sheet describes how to secure EPA resources and support for reuse planning activities. |
Superfund Redevelopment: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)(1 pg, 306 K) | This tool shares and answers questions often asked about Superfund Redevelopment, including topics related to safety, how EPA’s Superfund program supports reuse, and the relationship between Superfund cleanups and reuse. |
Pilot Framework for Integrating Community Health and Wellness into the Superfund Reuse Assessment Process (PDF)(46 pp, 13 MB) | This document discusses an approach that integrates health, prevention and wellness considerations as part of the Superfund reuse assessment process, and helps facilitate identification of reasonably anticipated future land uses for sites. |
Superfund Redevelopment Technical Assistance Services Fact Sheet (PDF)(4 pp, 4.3 MB) | This fact sheet describes EPA’s technical assistance services that are available to support the productive reuse and redevelopment of Superfund sites. |
Innovative Redevelopment at Superfund Sites: Supporting Healthy, Sustainable and Equitable Communities (PDF)(10 pp, 6.9 MB) | This fact sheet series highlights innovative projects at Superfund sites that support healthy, sustainable and equitable communities. |
I am interested in industrial and/or commercial use
Industrial and commercial reuse offers a wide array of benefits to communities, including jobs and associated incomes. It can also strengthen communities by generating property tax revenues that support local government and public services.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Reuse Superfund Sites: Commercial Use Where Waste is Left on Site (PDF)(12 pp, 3.9 MB) | This report provides technical information on how sites with remedies that manage hazardous waste on site have been safely reused for commercial purposes. |
EPA’s national beneficial effects web page tracks on-site jobs, job-related income and sales revenue data for Superfund sites in commercial and industrial reuse. Through these data estimates, the web page provides a general overview of the ways Superfund Redevelopment plays a significant role in supporting the revitalization of local economies. The information is also provided in regional economic profiles that track economic impacts and benefits for communities at a regional scale. | |
Reuse Opportunities at Capped Superfund Sites (PDF)(28 pp, 5.1 MB) | This report discusses leading examples of capped-area reuses across the country, highlighting recent trends, key factors and considerations that make these uses possible. |
Find in-depth case studies highlighting industrial and or/commercial reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. | |
Find beneficial effects economic case studies highlighting industrial and/or commercial reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects: | |
Find fact sheets highlighting industrial and/or commercial reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. | |
Find snapshots highlighting industrial and/or commercial reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. | |
Find Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations where EPA has found that a site can safely support commercial and/or industrial reuse. |
I am interested in recreational use
Thanks to the efforts of local governments and communities, Superfund sites across the country support a wide range of recreational reuses. These uses range from parks with playgrounds and sports fields to Academy of Model Aeronautics flying fields. Land available for recreation is increasingly hard to find in many communities. Looking to cleaned-up Superfund sites as potential recreation resources can improve community health and wellbeing and provide local economic benefits.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Recreational and Ecological Uses at Superfund Sites: Enhancing Public Health, Revitalizing Habitat (PDF)(4 pp, 2.9 MB) | This fact sheet provides an overview of the types of recreational and ecological reuses at Superfund sites and the benefits provided by these facilities. |
Reusing Superfund Sites: Recreational Use of Land Above Hazardous Waste Containment Areas (PDF)(73 pp, 1.5 MB) | This report provides technical information on how sites with remedies that manage hazardous waste on site have been safely reused for recreational purposes. |
Dog Parks and Animal Shelters at Superfund Sites: Playing for Keeps (PDF)(3 pp, 2.6 MB) | This fact sheet highlights places where communities have reclaimed once-contaminated lands for reuse as dog parks and animal shelters where people care for animals and play with their pets. |
Reusing Cleaned Up Superfund Sites: Golf Facilities Where Waste is Left on Site (PDF)(73 pp, 2.1 MB) | This report provides technical information useful in planning, designing and building golf facilities at sites where remedies include on-site containment of contaminated material. |
Meeting Community Needs, Protecting Human Health and the Environment: Active and Passive Recreational Opportunities at Abandoned Mine Lands (PDF)(13 pp, 1.1 MB) | This fact sheet provides information for communities interested in recreation opportunities at nearby abandoned mine lands. |
Superfund Redevelopment Partnerships | This page highlights several organizations that support the reuse of Superfund sites for recreational purposes. These groups include the U.S. Soccer Foundation, the Academy of Model Aeronautics and the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. |
In-Depth Case Studies: Recreational Reuse | Find in-depth case studies highlighting recreational reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. |
Beneficial Effects Economic Case Studies: Recreational Reuse | Find beneficial effects economic case studies highlighting recreational reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects. |
Fact Sheets: Recreational Reuse | Find fact sheets highlighting recreational reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. |
Snapshots: Recreational Reuse | Find snapshots highlighting recreational reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. |
RfR Determinations: Recreational Reuse | Find Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations where EPA has found that a site can safely support recreational reuse. |
I am interested in ecological use
Ecological revitalization is the process of returning land from a contaminated state to one that supports functioning and sustainable habitat. Hundreds of Superfund sites support healthy ecosystems; many of these ecosystems are also part of larger redevelopment projects that provide economic benefits.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Recreational and Ecological Uses at Superfund Sites: Enhancing Public Health, Revitalizing Habitat (PDF)(4 pp, 2.9 MB) | This fact sheet provides an overview of the types of recreational and ecological reuses at Superfund sites and the benefits provided by these facilities. |
Ecological Revitalization: Turning Contaminated Properties into Community Assets (PDF)(83 pp, 4.4 MB) | This report discusses how ecological revitalization can be part of site cleanup plans and serve as a cleanup technology in some situations, such as when soil amendments are used to bind contaminants, build soil and establish plant growth. |
Innovative Redevelopment at Superfund Sites: Supporting Healthy, Sustainable and Equitable Communities (PDF) (10 pp, 6.9 MB) | This fact sheet highlights innovative projects at Superfund sites that support healthy, sustainable and equitable communities, integrating economic opportunity with the protection of natural resources. |
Superfund Redevelopment Partnerships | This page highlights several organizations that support the reuse of Superfund sites for ecological purposes. These groups include the Pollinator Partnership and The Trust for Public Land. |
In-Depth Case Studies: Ecological Reuse | Find in-depth case studies highlighting ecological reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. |
Beneficial Effects Economic Case Studies: Ecological Reuse | Find beneficial effects economic case studies highlighting ecological reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects. |
Fact Sheets: Ecological Reuse | Find fact sheets highlighting ecological reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. |
Snapshots: Ecological Reuse | Find snapshots highlighting ecological reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. |
RfR Determinations: Ecological Reuse | Find Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations where EPA has found that a site can safely support ecological reuse. |
I am interested in agricultural use
Local governments, communities, farmers and other parties work together to reclaim Superfund sites for agricultural uses that benefit communities and the environment. Agricultural reuses range from traditional farming activities such as grazing and crop growing to innovative uses that yield new sources of energy.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Agricultural Land Uses at Superfund Sites: Planting a Sustainable Future (PDF)(12 pp, 3.9 MB) | This report discusses the safe and appropriate reuse of Superfund sites for a variety of agricultural uses. |
Renewable and Alternative Energy at Superfund Sites: Harnessing New Sources of Power (PDF)(16 pp, 4.8 MB) | This report provides technical information and case studies illustrating the opportunities for renewable and alternative energy projects such as biomass facilities at Superfund sites. |
In-Depth Case Studies: Agricultural Reuse | Find in-depth case studies highlighting agricultural reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. |
Beneficial Effects Economic Case Studies: Agricultural Reuse | Find beneficial effects economic case studies highlighting agricultural reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects. |
Fact Sheets: Agricultural Reuse | Find fact sheets highlighting agricultural reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. |
Snapshots: Agricultural Reuse | Find snapshots highlighting agricultural reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. |
I am interested in residential use
Residential reuse of Superfund sites is possible. Reusing sites for homes and living space is evaluated on a site-specific basis to ensure the protection of human health.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
Challenges in Applying Property Value Studies to Assess the Benefits of the Superfund Program (PDF)(35 pp, 427 K) | This 2009 report provides an overview of how Superfund cleanups may have a positive impact on home prices. |
In-Depth Case Studies: Residential Reuse | Find in-depth case studies highlighting agricultural reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. |
Beneficial Effects Economics Case Studies: Residential Reuse | Find beneficial effects economics case studies highlighting residential reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects. |
Fact Sheets: Residential Reuse | Find fact sheets highlighting residential reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. |
Snapshots: Residential Reuse | Find snapshots highlighting residential reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. |
RfR Determinations: Residential Reuse | Find Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations where EPA has found that a site can safely support residential reuse. |
I am interested in public service use
Public service use of formerly contaminated properties refers to site use by a local, county or state government agency, or by a non-profit organization. Examples of public service reuses include transportation (rail lines, train stations) and other critical infrastructure (utilities) as well as libraries, schools and government buildings. America’s core infrastructure makes our daily lives possible. These vital systems connect people with goods and services, deliver clean water, and power our homes and businesses.
Redevelopment Tool | Description |
In-Depth Case Studies: Public Service Reuse | Find in-depth case studies highlighting agricultural reuse. In-depth case studies take a close start-to-finish look at how a site was returned to use, including a detailed discussion of barriers, strategies for overcoming barriers, key stakeholders, partnerships critical for moving a project forward, and resources secured to make reuse visions a reality. |
Beneficial Effects Economic Case Studies: Public Service Reuse | Find beneficial effects economic case studies highlighting public service reuse. A local beneficial effects case study gathers more complete information related to reuse, employment and other beneficial effects. |
Fact Sheets: Public Service Reuse | Find fact sheets highlighting public service reuse. Fact sheets provide one to three pages that briefly highlight the successful reuse of a site. |
Snapshots: Public Service Reuse | Find snapshots highlighting public service reuse. Snapshots provide a few sentences to two paragraphs briefly outlining what a site was and how it is being reused now. |
RfR Determinations: Public Service Reuse | Find Ready for Reuse (RfR) Determinations where EPA has found that a site can safely support public service reuse. |
I am interested in alternative energy use
Renewable energy resources – wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy – are non-polluting, inexhaustible and increasingly cost-competitive. Alternative energy resources include renewable energy production as well as other energy sources, such as converting methane gas produced during natural decomposition of wastes into an electricity source. Superfund sites can be well suited for alternative energy production. Sites in urban and rural areas near utilities and transportation networks help keep development costs low.