All Notices of Intent for Partial Deletion for Torch Lake
This page contains links to the following Federal Register Notices of Intent for Partial Deletion involving partial site deletions of the Torch Lake Superfund Site:
5246 Federal Register (PDF)(1 p, 42 K, About PDF) / Vol. 67, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2002 / Proposed Rules
Notice of intent to delete the Lake Linden parcel and Operable Unit 2 of Torch Lake Superfund Site from the NPL.
4270 - 4271 Federal Register (PDF)(2 pp, 58 K, About PDF) / Vol. 69, No. 19 / Thursday, January 29, 2004 / Proposed Rules
Notice of intent of partial deletion of the Hubbell/Tamarack City parcel of the Torch Lake Superfund Site from the NPL.
64790 - 64791 Federal Register (PDF)(2 p, 199 K, About PDF) / Vol. 77, No. 205 / Tuesday, October 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
Notice of intent to delete the Isle Royale Stamp Tailings and Michigan Smelter Tailings parcels of OU3 and the Mason Sands parcel of OU1 of Torch Lake Superfund Site from the NPL.
49993 - 49994 Federal Register (PDF)(2 pp, 200 K, About PDF) / Vol. 78, No. 159 / Friday, August 16, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Notice of intent to delete the Quincy Smelter and Calumet Lake parcels of OU3 of the Torch Lake Superfund Site from the NPL.