NPL Site Status
Current NPL Site Status Information
- NPL Home
- Basic NPL Information
- NPL Site Status
- Federal Register Notices for NPL Updates
- NPL Guidance/Policy Documents
- HRS Toolbox
- HRS Subsurface Intrusion Component
The following tables show the number of sites in the Federal and general sections of the NPL associated with each status stage and milestone:
- National Priorities List (NPL) Site Totals by Status and Milestone
- Number of National Priorities List (NPL) Site Actions and Milestones by Fiscal Year
- Number of National Priorities List (NPL) Sites of Each Status at the End of Each Fiscal Year
NPL Site Status Information
The following lists present information organized by date, site name, or location on sites proposed for placement on the NPL, sites that have been placed on the NPL, and sites that have qualified for a construction completion, or a partial or complete deletion from the NPL.
- Proposed NPL Sites
- NPL Sites
- Construction Completions at NPL Sites
- Partial Deletions at NPL Sites
- Deleted Sites
Supplementary Information
The following presents supplementary information on hazardous waste sites and the NPL site listing process:
- NPL Sites Not Listed Based on the HRS
- State/Tribal Correspondence Concerning NPL Site Listing
- Information on Sites on the Interim Priorities List (IPL) and Expanded Eligibility List (EEL)
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