The SCAP 12 displays the sequence of activities undertaken at all sites in CERCLIS, both National Priorities List (NPL) sites and non-NPL sites. The SCAP 12 can be customized to contain only NPL sites or only Non-NPL sites, as specified in the order. NPL sites include sites proposed to the NPL, sites currently on the final NPL and sites deleted from the final NPL. Non-NPL sites include sites removed from the proposed NPL, sites withdrawn from the final NPL, sites being addressed as part of another NPL site, and all other non-NPL sites. Where available, the report includes funding information for each action, as well as site characterization data.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- SCAP-12 FOIA NPL/NON-NPL SITE SUMMARY, VERSION 24.01 (PDF)(3367 pp, 9 MB)