State, Tribal and Other Federal Agency Superfund Cleanups
- Superfund Site Assessment Process
- Pre-CERCLA Screening
- Cleanup Alternatives
- State, Tribal and Other Federal Agency Cleanups
- Site Assessment Training and Guidance
- HRS Quickscore
Sites not on the National Priority List (NPL) that have been through the Superfund assessment process and need cleanup attention may be addressed by a state, tribal or other federal agency environmental cleanup program. EPA refers to these sites as "Other Cleanup Activity (OCA)" sites. Remedial work can include comprehensive investigations in support of cleanup determinations, interim cleanup actions, removals or final cleanup decisions, including decisions that cleanup is not required. At these sites, there is no continuous and substantive involvement by EPA's site assessment program while remedial work is ongoing.
For example, EPA does not routinely review work products and other documents and provide comments. Each year, EPA checks in with its state, tribal and other federal agency partners on the status of cleanup work at these sites. Should conditions change such that federal Superfund involvement becomes necessary, EPA will work with its state, tribal and other federal agency partners to determine an alternative approach for addressing a site.
Use Superfund's advanced site search tool to search for non-NPL sites: