Superfund: Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Quickscore
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- HRS Quickscore
On this page:
About HRS Quickscore
HRS Quickscore assists in scoring sites using the HRS. Created by EPA’s Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), HRS Quickscore is an electronic set of HRS scoresheets that executes site score calculations in real time. It assists EPA staff in developing conceptual site models for Superfund site assessments. The product is intended for use in planning and implementing preliminary assessments, site inspections and other data collection efforts according to HRS criteria, as well as writing and review of HRS documentation records.
HRS Quickscore's key functions include:
- Quick HRS pathway and site score calculations.
- HRS scoresheet preparation and printing.
- Easy identification of HRS data gaps in conceptual site models.
- Back of the envelope tracking of data gaps, notes, refinements and adjustments in scenario testing.
- Scratchpad note-taking capability.
- Ability to add "User Defined Substances" for use in scoring a site. This allows users to select a substance that is not currently in EPA’s Superfund Chemical Data Matrix (SCDM) or adjust values of a substance when SCDM factor values change.
- Includes the Subsurface Intrusion Component.
- Version 3.2.2 includes the capability to update SCDM values. Quickscore will automatically check for updates and prompt users if action is needed with an “Updates Available” notice or users can update values at any time using the “Update SCDM Values” button.
Quickscore Notifications
Receive notifications of new Quickscore releases:
The data and resulting scores rely on your understanding and adherence to HRS criteria. Use of this product does not guarantee that a document is compliant with the HRS Guidance or HRS rules. All HRS packages and HRS scores are subject to EPA inspection and qualification.
Please consider registering for Quickscore update email notifications using the signup form.
Download Instructions
HRS QuickScore Installer Version 3.2.2(78 MB)
To download using Internet Explorer:
- Click on the link for downloading the HRS Quickscore installation file.
- A "File Download" dialogue box will appear. Select "Save this program to disk" and click the OK button.
- Choose the location where you would like to save the HRS Quickscore installation file (quickscore-3.2.2.exe) and click the Save button.
- A screen will appear that will show you the progress of the download. When the download is complete, locate the HRS Quickscore installation file and double-click on the file to begin the installation process.
Useful Links
- HRS Toolbox contains the HRS Guidance, HRS SCDM, and other useful links
- Superfund Chemical Data Matrix (SCDM)
- Quickscore Version 3.2 Tip Sheet (PDF)(6 pp, 201 K, About PDF)
HRS Quickscore Resources and Contacts
There are no Quickscore training opportunities scheduled at this time. HRS Quickscore includes a Help function to guide the user through using the program.
- Quickscore Version 3.2 User's Guide (58 pp, 2.9 MB, About PDF)
For technical Quickscore support, contact:
Quickscore Helpline
Available weekdays, 9:00 - 5:30 EST
Phone: 703-284-6600
Email: Quickscore Technical Support (