EPA has approved the following California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM, formerly Division of Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Resources, or DOGGR) Aquifer Exemption Requests associated with EPA's oversight of California's Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program.
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South Belridge Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(17 pp, 12 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to the California Geologic Energy Management Division providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Tulare Formation in the South Belridge Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Edison Oil Field, Phase 2 Area (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(22 pp, 3 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for a portion of the Chanac Formation in the Edison Oil Field, Phase 2 Area, in Kern County, California.
North Belridge Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(16 pp, 7 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Tulare Formation in the North Belridge Oil Field.
Midway-Sunset Oil Field (Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(29 pp, 4 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Potter Sands, Spellacy Sands, Miocene Shales and Warson Sand, and the Lower Antelope Sands in the Midway-Sunset Oil Field in Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties, California.
Lost Hills Oil Field (Kem County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Tulare Formation in the Lost Hills Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Edison Oil Field, Phase 1 Area (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (PDF)(30 pp, 10 MB,
EPA letter and Record of Decision to DOGGR Approving the State’s Aquifer Exemption Request for portions of the Transition/Santa Margarita Formation, Main Wicker Sand, Pyramid Hill Sands, and Vedder Formation in the Edison Oil Field, Phase 1 Area.
Livermore Oil Field (Alameda County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(17 pp, 2 MB,
EPA Letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Greenville Sands Member of the Cierbo Formation in the Livermore Oil Field in Alameda County, California.
Arroyo Grande Oil Field (San Luis Obispo County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(21 pp, 3 MB,
EPA letter and Record of Decision to DOGGR Approving the State’s Aquifer Exemption Request for portions of the Dollie Sands Member of the Pismo Formation in the Arroyo Grande Oil Field.
San Ardo and McCool Ranch Oil Fields (Monterey County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(29 pp, 6 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Lombardi and Aurignac Formations in the San Ardo and McCool Ranch Oil Fields in Monterey County.
Mount Poso Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(22 pp, 2 MB,
EPA letter to DOGGR approving revisions to the Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) for the Mount Poso Oil Field approved by EPA on April 17, 2017. Enclosed to the letter is the ROD that supersedes the prior one.
Tulare Formation in the McKittrick Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(17 pp, 4 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Tulare Formation in the McKittrick Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Tulare Formation in the Cymric Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(16 pp, 4 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Tulare Formation in the Cymric Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Kern Front Oil Field, Vedder Formation (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(16 pp, 1 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for portions of the Upper Chanac Formation in the Kern Front Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Poso Creek Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(27 pp, 2 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for the Poso Creek Oil Field, Kern County, California.
Elk Hills Oil Field, Phase 1 Area (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for the Lower Tulare Formation in the Elk Hills Oil Field, Phase 1 Area, in Kern County, California.
Elk Hills Oil Field, Phase 2 Area (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an aquifer exemption request for the Lower Tulare Formation in the Elk Hills Oil Field, Phase 2 Area, in Kern County, California.
Jasmin Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(18 pp, 2 MB,
This Record of Decision (ROD) provides the EPA's decision to approve an expansion of the aquifer exemption (AE) for the Cantleberry Sand, a member of the Vedder Formation, within the administrative boundaries of the Jasmin Oil Field, background information concerning the AE request, and the basis for the AE decision.
Kern Front Oil Field, Upper Chanac Formation (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(16 pp, 4 MB,
This Record of Decision (ROD) provides the EPA’s decision to approve an aquifer exemption (AE) for a portion of the Vedder Formation of the Kern Front Oil Field, background information concerning the AE request, and the basis for the AE decision.
Mount Poso Oil Field Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(22 pp, 2 MB,
EPA letter with enclosed Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources providing notice of approval of an expansion of the aquifer exemption for specified portions of the Pyramid Hill Sand and the Vedder Formation of the Mount Poso Oil Field in Kern County, California.
Fruitvale, Round Mountain, and Tejon Oil Fields Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(2 pp, 690 K,
EPA letter to California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) and the State Water Resources Control Board, providing notice of approval of three separate requests to expand existing aquifer exemptions for the following formations in Kern County, California: Fruitvale, Round Mountain, and Tejon Oil Fields.
Fruitvale Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(15 pp, 2 MB,
This Record of Decision (ROD) provides the EPA’s decision to approve an expansion of the aquifer exemption (AE) for the Santa Margarita Formation of the Fruitvale Oil Field, background information concerning the AE request, and the basis for the AE decision.
Round Mountain Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(27 pp, 5 MB,
This Record of Decision provides the EPA’s decision to approve an aquifer exemption for a portion of the Walker Formation and expansions of the aquifer exemptions (AEs) for the Jewett Sand, Pyramid Hill Sand, and Vedder Formation of the Round Mountain Oil Field, background information concerning the AE request, and the basis for the AE decision.
Tejon Oil Field (Kern County) Aquifer Exemption Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF)(14 pp, 3 MB,
This Record of Decision (ROD) provides the EPA’s decision to approve an expansion of the aquifer exemption (AE) for the Transition Zone of the Tejon Oil Field, Western Area, background information concerning the AE request, and the basis for the AE decision.