Underground Injection Control Regulations
On this page:
Rule Summary
The goal of federal regulations is to prevent contamination of "underground sources of drinking water" (USDW) from the placement of fluids underground through injection wells. The underground injection control regulations do this by regulating the construction, operation, and closure of injection wells.
- Part 144: Underground Injection Control Program - provides minimum requirements for the UIC program promulgated under the SDWA.
- Part 145: State UIC Program Requirements - outlines the procedures for EPA to approve, revise, and withdraw UIC programs that have been delegated to the states.
- Part 146: Underground Injection Control Program: Criteria and Standards - includes technical standards for various classes of injection wells.
- Part 147: State Underground Injection Control Programs - outlines the applicable UIC programs for each state.
- Part 148: Hazardous Waste Injection Restrictions - describes the requirements for Class I hazardous waste injection wells.