Protecting Underground Sources of Drinking Water from Underground Injection (UIC)
This website contains information for owners and operators of injection wells, regulators, and the public about safe injection well operations to prevent the contamination of underground sources of drinking water.
At this time, EPA may face delays in processing paper UIC permit applications and Hazardous Waste petition requests due to precautions being taken during the current COVID-19 pandemic. If you plan on submitting a permit application for an EPA-issued permit or a Hazardous Waste petition request, please refer to the webpage of the appropriate EPA Regional Office for information on contacting EPA via email, telephone/voicemail, or other electronic means before submitting paper documents to EPA.
UIC Well Classes
- Class I industrial and municipal waste disposal wells
- Class II oil and gas related injection wells
- Class III solution mining wells
- Class IV shallow hazardous and radioactive waste injection wells
- Class V wells that inject non-hazardous fluids into or above underground sources of drinking water
- Class VI geologic sequestration wells
About UIC Wells
- Basic information
- UIC program primary enforcement responsibility
- Wyoming final rule for Class VI primacy
- New Mexico Class I primacy revision
- Michigan Class II primacy
- Compliance reporting requirements and 7520 forms for well operators and state regulators
- Grants
- UIC regulations
- Injection well inventory