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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Regulators

(EPA 510-B-97-001, March 1997 and EPA 510-B-16-004, October 2016)

This document, first issued in 1997, discusses the expedited site assessment process, which is a framework for rapidly characterizing UST site conditions for corrective action decisions. This concept has been described with other names including: accelerated site characterization, rapid site characterization, and expedited site investigation. In October 2016, EPA revised the document by updating Chapter V - Direct Push Technologies. The entire document carries the same title but a new number: EPA 510-B-16-004.

NOTE: QA documents referred to in some of the following chapters may be outdated. Visit The EPA Quality System website for the latest version of EPA's QA documents.

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