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Air Emissions Inventories

2017 International Emission Inventory Conference - "Applying Science and Streamlining Processes to Improve Inventories"

This year’s conference will focus on how emission inventories meet the challenges posed by improving emissions inventory science and also streamline inventory creation processes to improve the resulting inventories. Topics of interest include:  The theme highlights are:

  • What are the current scientific challenges in estimating emissions for key sectors in the NEI? How can we improve emission estimates for these key sectors in inventories while making it a timely process?
  • How does the Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) project potentially impact Emissions Inventory planning and development?
  • What are some of the key international emissions inventory issues that affect air quality in other countries and the US?
  • How are emission inventories used for air quality modeling (speciation, temporal and spatial allocations)? What do modeling output and ambient data tell us about gaps or potential improvements in emission inventories?
  • How can EPA make the NEI process easier for the S/L/T’s to quality assure, submit and review emission inventories, while ensuring high quality?