Posted below are EPA's responses (in chronological order) to submitted Part 75 petitions in 2001. Note that the actual, signed and dated response sent to the designated representative constitutes EPA’s official response and governs. When a response is posted below, EPA is not aware of any differences between the posted response and the actual, signed and dated response. EPA intends, and believes, that such differences -- if any -- will be minor and nonsubstantive. For more information, or to see petition responses from other years, return to Part 75 Petition Responses.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.-
J. C. McNeil (PDF)(4 pp, 34 K,
March 6, 2001)
Alternative requirements to the applicable monitoring and reporting procedures for sulfur dioxide emissions.
Arvah B Hopkins (PDF)(2 pp, 150 K,
March 6, 2001)
Alternative fuel flow data at A.B. Hopkins, Unit 2.
Baconton (PDF)(2 pp, 137 K,
March 6, 2001)
Permission to perform the annual RATA tests in the Second Quarter of 2001 for Units CT1, CT4, CTs, and CT6.
Escalante (PDF)(3 pp, 424 K,
March 6, 2001)
Petition to use flow data for Tri-State's Escalante Station.
Cane Run (PDF)(4 pp, 411 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative missing data procedures during unit startup for Kentucky Utilities Units 4, 5, and 6.
Ghent (PDF)(4 pp, 411 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative missing data procedures during unit startup for Kentucky Utilities Unit 1.
Mill Creek (PDF)(4 pp, 411 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative missing data procedures during unit startup for Kentucky Utilities Units 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Trimble County (PDF)(4 pp, 411 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative missing data procedures during unit startup for Kentucky Utilities Unit 1.
Seminole (PDF)(3 pp, 411 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative missing data substitution procedures for Seminole, Unit 2.
RRI Energy Shelby County (PDF)(4 pp, 184 K,
March 19, 2001)
Alternative fuel flow rate apportionment method at Reliant Energy's Shelby County Generating Station.
San Jacinto Steam Electric Station (PDF)(4 pp, 437 K,
March 28, 2001)
Alternative fuel flow rate apportionment method at Reliant Energy's San Jacinto Steam Electric Generating Station.
Desert Basin Generating Station (PDF)(4 pp, 435 K,
March 28, 2001)
Alternative fuel flow rate apportionment method at Reliant Energy's Desert Basin Generating Project.
Crist Electric Generating Plant (PDF)(4 pp, 584 K,
April 2, 2001)
Alternative missing data substitution procedures for Crist Unit 5.
Dearborn Industrial Generation (PDF)(3 pp, 349 K,
April 9, 2001)
Alternative fuel sulfur monitoring procedures in lieu of the required procedures in §72.7(d). for CMS's Zilwaukee and Dearborn Generating Stations.
Lamar Power (Paris) (PDF)(10 pp, 1 MB,
April 18, 2001)
Alternative method of monitoring NOx at Lamar Power Partner's Paris Units.
Guadalupe Generating Station (PDF)(3 pp, 378 K,
April 18, 2001)
Alternative method of monitoring NOx at Guadalupe Power Partners' Marion Units.
Wheatland Generating Facility LLC (PDF)(2 pp, 308 K,
April 27, 2001)
Extension of CEMS certification deadline for Wheatland Power Plant, Units, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Apache Station (PDF)(2 pp, 232 K,
May 9, 2001)
Use of alternate substitute data at AEPCO's Apache Units 2 and 3.
Polk (PDF)(4 pp, 572 K,
May 9, 2001)
Exemption from the opacity monitoring requirements of Part 75 for Polk Unit **1.
Washington Parish Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 441 K,
May 9, 2001)
Temporary alternative monitoring during simple cycle operation at Washington Parish.
Niagara Generation, LLC (PDF)(2 pp, 297 K,
May 9, 2001)
Temporary alternative monitoring during simple cycle operation at Washington Parish.
Bellingham (PDF)(2 pp, 89 K,
May 14, 2001)
Allow common pipe monitoring of fuel flow at NEA Bellingham.
Elizabethtown Power (PDF)(4 pp, 642 K,
May 29, 2001)
Extension for CEMS certification deadline for Elizabethtown and Lumberton.
Lumbertown Power (PDF)(4 pp, 646 K,
May 29, 2001)
Extension for CEMS certification deadline for Elizabethtown and Lumberton.
Wyandotte (PDF)(2 pp, 283 K,
May 29, 2001)
Alternative monitoring of SO2 emissions using stack flow monitor at Wyandotte's Unit 5.
Hutchinson Plant #2 (PDF)(4 pp, 61 K,
June 5, 2001)
Alternative SO2 and bypass stack monitoring for HUC’s Plant No. 2, Unit 1.
Kendall Square (PDF)(2 pp, 295 K,
June 18, 2001)
Alternative test procedure to Method 20 for Kendall Units 6 and 7.
Altavista Power Station (PDF)(6 pp, 918 K,
June 20, 2001)
Alternative deadline for monitor certification for Dominion's Altavista Plant.
Hopewell Power Station (PDF)(6 pp, 918 K,
June 20, 2001)
Alternative deadline for monitor certification for Dominion's Hopewell Plant.
Southampton Power Station (PDF)(6 pp, 918 K,
June 20, 2001)
Alternative deadline for monitor certification for Dominion's Southamptom Plant.
Riverside (PDF)(9 pp, 130 K,
July 5, 2001)
Denial of a request for exemption from flow-to-load testing requirements for Units 6 and 7.
Pine Bluff Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 53 K,
July 23, 2001)
Alternative deadline for monitor certification for Dominion's Hopewell Plant.
Naughton (PDF)(5 pp, 809 K,
August 3, 2001)
Exemption from the continuous opacity monitoring requirements of §75.14 for Unit 3.
Hunterstown (PDF)(7 pp, 949 K,
August 13, 2001)
Alternative deadline for monitor certification and alternative monitoring for Reliant's Hunterstown Unit 4.
W.B. Tuttle (PDF)(3 pp, 336 K,
August 20, 2001)
Alternative to Part 75, Appendix E requirement.
Zeeland Generating Station (PDF)(2 pp, 81 K,
September 11, 2001)
60-Day extension of the CEMS certification deadline for two units.
Yorktown Power Station (PDF)(6 pp, 756 K,
September 27, 2001)
Monitor NOx emissions from Yorktown Units 1 and 2 at the common stack instead of an individual unit basis.
Remington Combustion Turbine Station (PDF)(3 pp, 378 K,
October 23, 2001)
Retain gas-fired status for Remington Units 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Ennis Power Company, LLC (PDF)(2 pp, 254 K,
December 18, 2001)
Extension for CEMS certification deadline for Ennis-Tractebel Electric Generation Plant.