Posted below are EPA's responses (in chronological order) to submitted Part 75 petitions in 2003. Note that the actual, signed and dated response sent to the designated representative constitutes EPA’s official response and governs. When a response is posted below, EPA is not aware of any differences between the posted response and the actual, signed and dated response. EPA intends, and believes, that such differences -- if any -- will be minor and nonsubstantive. For more information, or to see petition responses from other years, return to Part 75 Petition Responses.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.-
MeadWestvaco Coated Board, Inc. - Mahart (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB,
January 28, 2003)
Predictive emissions monitoring system.
Desert Power Plant (PDF)(4 pp, 678 K,
January 28, 2003)
Use of LME excepted monitoring methodology at Desert Power Units 1 and 2.
Carll's Corner Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 439 K,
January 28, 2003)
Test data for LME qualification under Part 75, Subpart H, Unit 3001.
Cedar Energy Station (PDF)(3 pp, 439 K,
January 28, 2003)
Test data for LME qualification under Part 75, Subpart H, Units 2001, 3001, and 4001.
Deepwater (PDF)(3 pp, 439 K,
January 28, 2003)
Test data for LME qualification under Part 75, Subpart H, Unit 9001.
Missouri Avenue Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 439 K,
January 28, 2003)
Test data for LME qualification under Part 75, Subpart H, Units 10001, 11001, and 12001.
Middle Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 439 K,
January 28, 2003)
Test data for LME qualification under Part 75, Subpart H, Units 3001, 4001, and 5001.
Vineland Cogeneration (PDF)(2 pp, 288 K,
January 28, 2003)
Data validation following a span change at Vineland Cogeneration Plant.
ArcelorMittal Weirton, Inc. (PDF)(5 pp, 660 K,
February 10, 2003)
Alternative substitute data values and default F-Factors for Weirton Steel Corporation.
Panther Creek Energy Center (PDF)(3 pp, 361 K,
February 10, 2003)
Default moisture constant for Panther Creek Partners, Units 1 and 2.
Homer City (PDF)(3 pp, 398 K,
February 10, 2003)
Relief from expired RATA grace period for Homer City, Unit 1.
Neosho Energy Center (PDF)(2 pp, 278 K,
March 11, 2003)
Extend opacity monitor certification deadline for Neosho Energy, Unit 7.
Carville Energy Center (PDF)(2 pp, 271 K,
March 11, 2003)
Extension for CEMS certification at Carville Energy Center.
Luke Paper Company (PDF)(5 pp, 749 K,
March 25, 2003)
Alternative compliance methodologies for MeadWestvaco Luke Paper Mill.
UCC South Charleston Plant (PDF)(3 pp, 399 K,
March 25, 2003)
Default moisture constant and F-factor values for South Charleston, Unit 27.
Gen J M Gavin (PDF)(5 pp, 500 K,
March 28, 2003)
Alternative substitute data for SO2 concentration at AEP's Gavin Unit 2.
Smurfit-Stone Container Enterprises, Inc. (PDF)(2 pp, 182 K,
April 14, 2003)
Default moisture value for periods of residual oil firing, for West Point Paper Mill.
Catlettsburg Refining, LLC (PDF)(9 pp, 1 MB,
May 1, 2003)
CEM installation extension petition and alternative NOx mass monitoring configuration proposal, NOx budget source units 8CS and 8CN.
U.S. Steel (Fairfield Works) (PDF)(5 pp, 641 K,
May 5, 2003)
Alternative fuel flow measuring devices and standards at U.S. Steel Units 5 and 8.
Rochester 7 - Russell Station (PDF)(3 pp, 469 K,
May 20, 2003)
Alternative recertification deadlines following SNCR installation at RG&E's Russell Units 1 through 4.
Martins Creek (PDF)(4 pp, 540 K,
May 28, 2003)
Low mass emissions methodology for Montour, Units AUX1 and AUX2, and for Martins Creek, Unit AUX4B.
Montour (PDF)(4 pp, 541 K,
May 28, 2003)
Low mass emissions methodology for Montour, Units AUX1 and AUX2, and for Martins Creek, Unit AUX4B.
Eastman Chemical Company (PDF)(5 pp, 637 K,
June 5, 2003)
Approval of Fc Factors for CEMS at Eastman Units 23, 24, 30, and 31.
Exxonmobil Oil Corporation (PDF)(3 pp, 470 K,
June 9, 2003)
Alternative moisture default values for Units 55B100 and 20B1 at the Joliet Refinery.
Calpine Oneta Energy Power, LP (PDF)(3 pp, 380 K,
June 23, 2003)
Extension for CEMS certification at Calpine Oneta Power, Units CTG-3 and CTG-4.
Dicks Creek Station (PDF)(2 pp, 262 K,
July 21, 2003)
Delay installation of continuous monitoring systems at CG & E's Dick's Creek Generating Station, Unit 1.
Narrows (PDF)(4 pp, 513 K,
July 21, 2003)
Retain low mass emissions unit status for 11 Units at the Narrows Generating Station.
Blount Street (PDF)(4 pp, 364 K,
August 27, 2003)
Correct 2002 CEMS data for Unit 8 at Madison Gas and Electric Company's Blount Generating Station.
Dearborn Industrial Generation (PDF)(18 pp, 3 MB,
September 2, 2003)
Predictive emissions monitoring system for Dearborn Industrial Generation, Unit GTP1.
International Paper-Franklin (PDF)(2 pp, 247 K,
September 15, 2003)
Default F-factor for International Paper (Facility ID (ORISPL) 52152), Unit 003 at the Franklin, Virginia Facility.
New Harquahala Generating Company (PDF)(3 pp, 343 K,
September 24, 2003)
CEMS certification deadline for Harquahala Generating Company, Unit 1.
International Paper-Prattville Mill (PDF)(4 pp, 455 K,
October 15, 2003)
Site-specific Fc factor for the Prattville, Alabama Paper Mill, Units Z006 and Z008.
Sunoco, Inc. (R&M) Toledo Refinery (PDF)(4 pp, 581 K,
November 25, 2003)
Exemption of the CO Boilers (B046 and B047) at the Sunoco Toledo Refinery from the NOx Budget Trading Program.
Lima Refinery (PDF)(4 pp, 578 K,
November 25, 2003)
Exemption of the CO Boiler at the Lima Refinery from the NOx Budget Trading Program.
Craig (PDF)(3 pp, 467 K,
December 1, 2003)
Relative accuracy test audit extension of time for Craig Power Station, Unit 1.