Posted below are EPA's responses (in chronological order) to submitted Part 75 petitions in 2010. Note that the actual, signed and dated response sent to the designated representative constitutes EPA’s official response and governs. When a response is posted below, EPA is not aware of any differences between the posted response and the actual, signed and dated response. EPA intends, and believes, that such differences -- if any -- will be minor and nonsubstantive. For more information, or to see petition responses from other years, return to Part 75 Petition Responses.
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Big Bend (PDF)(5 pp, 25 K,
January 22, 2010)
Relief from standard missing data substitution for Common Stack CSOW1.
Clear Lake Cogeneration (PDF)(9 pp, 66 K,
February 18, 2010)
Alternative substitute data to calculate SO2 emissions prior to initial certification for Units G102, G103, and G104.
Texas City Cogeneration (PDF)(9 pp, 82 K,
February 18, 2010)
Alternative substitute data to calculate SO2 emissions prior to initial certification for Units GT-A, GT-B, and GT-C.
Santa Rosa Energy Center (PDF)(5 pp, 35 K,
April 16, 2010)
Alternative missing data substitution for Unit CT-1.
Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center (PDF)(7 pp, 566 K,
April 21, 2010)
Alternative substitute data for Units 1 and 2.
Coffeen (PDF)(3 pp, 18 K,
April 26, 2010)
Alternative missing data substitution for Common Stack CS0001.
Jeffrey Energy Center - Unit 2 (PDF)(3 pp, 19 K,
May 6, 2010)
Exemption from continuous opacity monitoring requirements for Unit 2.
Jeffrey Energy Center - Unit 3 (PDF)(3 pp, 19 K,
May 6, 2010)
Exemption from continuous opacity monitoring requirements for Unit 3.
Holtsville Facility (PDF)(3 pp, 22 K,
June 3, 2010)
Use of fuel-and-unit-specific NOx emission rates for units at the Holtsville Combustion Turbine Facility.
T.H. Wharton (PDF)(21 pp, 177 K,
September 27, 2010)
Updated approval of the predictive emission monitoring systems installed on Units THW31 through THW34 and Units THW41 through THW44.