Posted below are EPA's responses (in chronological order) to submitted Part 75 petitions in 2013. Note that the actual, signed and dated response sent to the designated representative constitutes EPA’s official response and governs. When a response is posted below, EPA is not aware of any differences between the posted response and the actual, signed and dated response. EPA intends, and believes, that such differences -- if any -- will be minor and nonsubstantive. For more information, or to see petition responses from other years, return to Part 75 Petition Responses.
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El Centro Generating Station (PDF)(4 pp, 37 K,
February 11, 2013)
Denial of a request for relief from RATA requirements for the bypass stack associated with Units 7 and 8.
Bailly Generating Station (PDF)(6 pp, 45 K,
February 11, 2013)
Denial of a request for extension of the CEMS certification deadlines for Units 3-1 and 3-2.
Entergy Rhode Island State Energy, LP (PDF)(3 pp, 22 K,
March 14, 2013)
Approval to use continuous gross calorific value (GCV) gas chromatograph measurements at Units RISEP1 and RISEP2.
IPL - Petersburg Generating Station (PDF)(4 pp, 34 K,
March 14, 2013)
Approval of a 7-day calibration error test exemption for the bypass stack on Unit 1 (MS1B).
Niagara Generation, LLC (PDF)(4 pp, 48 K,
March 21, 2013)
Approval of a site-specific F-factor methodology for Unit 1.
Harrington Station (PDF)(4 pp, 42 K,
April 8, 2013)
Denial to validate emissions data following the replacement of an umbilical line for Unit 063B.
Cogentrix (PDF)(7 pp, 94 K,
July 30, 2013)
Denial of an exemption request for flow-to-load or gross heat rate requirements for Common Stacks CS001 and CS002 at the James River Plant.
Weston (PDF)(7 pp, 60 K,
October 23, 2013)
Approval of waiver from NOx apportionment requirement under 40 CFR 75.17(b).